The blessings which God pronounces on the obedient, 1-6.

Particular privileges which the faithful shall receive, 7-13.

The curses pronounced against the ungodly and idolatrous, 14-19.

A detailed account of the miseries which should be inflicted on

them, should they neglect the commandments of the Lord, 20.

They shall be smitten with the pestilence, 21;

with consumption, fever, c., 22

drought and barrenness, 23, 24;

they shall be defeated by their enemies, 25, 26;

they shall be afflicted with the botch of Egypt, 27;

with madness and blindness, 28, 29;

they shall be disappointed in all their projects, 30;

deprived of all their possessions, and afflicted in all their

members, 31-35;

they and their king shall go into captivity, 36,

and become a by-word among the nations, 37.

Their land shall be unfruitful, and they shall be the lowest of

all people, 38-44.

All these curses shall come on them should they be disobedient,


Character of the people by whom they should be subdued, 49, 50.

Particulars of their dreadful sufferings, 51-57.

A recapitulation of their wretchedness, 58-63.

The prediction that they shall be scattered among all the

nations of the earth, 64-68.


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