Verse Deuteronomy 28:24. The rain of thy land powder and dust] As their heavens - atmosphere, clouds, c., were to be as brass-yielding no rain so the surface of the earth must be reduced to powder; and this, being frequently taken up by the strong winds, would fall down in showers instead of rain. Whole caravans have been buried under showers of sand; and Thevenot, a French traveller, who had observed these showers of dust, c., says, "They grievously annoy all they fall on, filling their eyes, ears, nostrils, c." - Travels in the East, part 1, book ii., chap. 80. The ophthalmia in Egypt appears to be chiefly owing to a very fine sand, the particles of which are like broken glass, which are carried about by the wind, and, entering into the ciliary glands, produce grievous and continual inflammations.

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