_The prophetical and historical song of Moses, showing forth the_
_nature of God's doctrine_, 1-3.
_The character of God_, 4.
_The corruption of the people_, 5, 6.
_They are called to remember God's kindness_, 7,
_and his dealings with them during their travels in the_
_wilderne... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:2. _MY DOCTRINE_] לקחי _likchi_, from לקח
_lakach_, to _take, carry away_; to _attract_ or _gain over_ the
_heart_ by eloquence or persuasive speech. Hence the Septuagint
translate the word αποφθεγμα, an _apophthegm_, a sententious
and weighty saying, for the regulation of the m... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:4. _HE IS THE ROCK_] The word צור _tsur_ is
rendered _Creator_ by some eminent critics; and [Arabic] _khalyk_ is
the reading in the Arabic Version. Rab. Moses ben Maimon, in his
valuable work, _Moreh Nebochim_, observes that the word צור _tsur_,
which is ordinarily translated _... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:5. _THEIR SPOT_ IS _NOT_ THE SPOT _OF HIS
CHILDREN_] This verse is variously translated and variously
understood. _They are_ _corrupted, not his, children of pollution_. -
KENNICOTT. _They are_ _corrupt, they are not his children, they are
blotted_. - HOUBIGANT. This is accordi... [ Continue Reading ]
C._] Verses Deuteronomy 32:8 and Deuteronomy 32:9, says Dr. Kennicott,
give us express authority for believing that the earth was very early
divided in consequence of a Divine command, and probably by _lot_,
(see Acts 17:26) and as... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:9. _THE LORD'S PORTION IS HIS PEOPLE_] What an
astonishing saying! As _holy souls_ take GOD for _their portion_, so
GOD takes _them_ for _his portion_. He represents himself as happy in
his followers; and they are infinitely happy in, and satisfied with,
God as their _portion_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:10. _He _- the Lord, _found him _- Jacob, in his
descendants, _in_ _a desert land _- the wilderness. _He led him about_
forty years in this wilderness, Deuteronomy 8:2, or יסבבנהו
_yesobebenhu, he compassed him about_, i. e., God defended them on all
hands, and in all places. _... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:11. _AS AN EAGLE STIRRETH UP HER NEST_] Flutters
over her brood to excite them to fly; or, as some think, _disturbs her
nest_ to oblige the young ones to leave it; so God by his plagues in
Egypt obliged the Israelites, otherwise very reluctant, to leave a
place which he appeared... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:12. SO _THE LORD ALONE DID LEAD HIM_] By his
power, and by his only, were they brought out of Egypt, and supported
in the wilderness.
_AND_ THERE WAS _NO STRANGE GOD_] They had help from no other quarter.
The Egyptian idols were not able to save their own votaries; but God
not... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:13. _HE MADE HIM RIDE_] ירכבהו _yarkibehu,
he will cause_ _him to ride_. All the verbs here are in the future
tense, because this is a prophecy of the prosperity they should
possess in the promised land. The Israelites were to _ride _- exult,
on the high places, the mountains an... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:14. _FAT OF KIDNEYS OF WHEAT_] Almost every
person knows that the kidney is enveloped in a coat of the purest fat
in the body of the animal, for which several anatomical reasons might
be given. As the kidney itself is to the abundantly surrounding fat,
so is the _germ_ of the gr... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:15. _JESHURUN_] ישרון the _upright_. This
appellative is here put for Israel, and as it comes from ישר
_yashar_, he was _right, straight_, may be intended to show that the
people who once not only promised fair, but were really _upright_,
walking in the paths of _righteousness_... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:17. _THEY SACRIFICED UNTO DEVILS_] The original
word שדים _shedim_ has been variously understood. The Syriac,
Chaldee, Targums of Jerusalem and Jonathan, and the Samaritan, retain
the original word: the _Vulgate, Septuagint, Arabic, Persic, Coptic_,
and _Anglo-Saxon_, have devi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:18. _OF THE ROCK_ THAT _BEGAT THEE_] צור
_tsur_, the _first cause_, the _fountain_ of thy being. Deuteronomy
32:4.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:19. _WHEN THE LORD SAW IT, C._] More literally,
_And the_ _Lord saw it, and through indignation he reprobated his sons
and_ _his daughters_. That is, When the Lord shall see such conduct,
he shall be justly incensed, and so reject and deliver up to captivity
his sons and daughte... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:20. _CHILDREN IN WHOM IS NO FAITH_] לא אמן
בם _lo emon bam,_ "There is no _steadfastness_ in them," they can
never be depended on. They are _fickle_, because they are _faithless_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:21. _THEY HAVE MOVED ME TO JEALOUSY_] This verse
contains a very pointed promise of the calling of the Gentiles, in
consequence of the rejection of the Jews, threatened Deuteronomy
32:19; and to this great event it is applied by St. Paul, Romans
10:19.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:22. _THE LOWEST HELL_] שאול תחתית _sheol
tachtith_, the very deepest destruction; a total extermination, so
that _the_ _earth _- their land, and _its increase_, and all their
property, should be seized; and the _foundations of their mountains _-
their strongest fortresses, shoul... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:23. _I WILL SPEND MINE ARROWS UPON THEM._] The
judgments of God in general are termed the _arrows of God_, Job 6:4;
Psalms 38:2; Psalms 91:5; see also Ezekiel 5:16; Jeremiah 50:14; 2
Samuel 22:14-10. In this and the following verses, to the _28_th
inclusive ... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:24. THEY SHALL BE _BURNT WITH HUNGER_] Their land
shall be cursed, and _famine_ shall prevail. This is _one_ of the
_BURNING HEAT_] No showers to cool the atmosphere; or rather boils,
blains, and pestilential fevers; this was a _second_.
_BITTER DESTRUCTION_] The plagu... [ Continue Reading ]
ENEMY_] Houbigant and others contend that _wrath_ here refers not to
the _enemy_, but to God; and that the passage should be thus
translated: "Indignation for the adversary deters me, lest their
enemies should be alienated, and say... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:29. That _THEY WOULD CONSIDER THEIR LATTER END!_]
אחריתם _archaritham_, properly, _their latter times_-the
glorious days of the Messiah, who, according to the flesh, should
spring up among them. Should they carefully consider this subject, and
receive the promised Saviour, they... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:30. _HOW SHOULD ONE CHASE A THOUSAND_] If
therefore they had not forgotten their _Rock_, God their _author_ and
_defence_, it could not possibly have come to pass that a thousand of
them should flee before _one_ of their enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:31. _FOR THEIR ROCK_] The gods and pretended
protectors of the Romans.
Is _NOT AS OUR ROCK_] Have neither power nor influence like our God.
_OUR ENEMIES THEMSELVES_ BEING _JUDGES._] For they often acknowledged
the irresistible power of that God who fought for Israel. See Exodu... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:32. _FOR THEIR VINE IS OF THE VINE OF SODOM_] The
Jews are as wicked and rebellious as the Sodomites; for by the vine
the inhabitants of the land are signified; see Isaiah 5:2; Isaiah 5:7.
_THEIR GRAPES_] Their actions, are _gall and worm-wood_-producing
nothing but mischief an... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:33. _THEIR WINE_] Their system of doctrines and
teaching, is _the poison of dragons_, c., fatal and destructive to all
them who follow it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:34. _SEALED UP AMONG MY TREASURES?_] Deeds or
engagements by which persons were bound at a specified time to fulfil
certain conditions, were _sealed_ and laid up in places of safety; so
here God's justice is pledged to avenge the quarrel of his broken
covenant on the disobedient... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 35. _THEIR FOOT SHALL SLIDE IN_ DUE _TIME, C._] But Calmet
thinks that this verse is spoken against the Canaanites, the enemies
of the Jewish people.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 36. _THE LORD SHALL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE_] He has an absolute right
over them as their _Creator_, and authority to punish them for their
rebellions as their _Sovereign_; yet he will _repent himself _- he
will change his manner of conduct towards them, _when he seeth that_
their _power is gone _- w... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 37. _HE SHALL SAY_] He shall begin to expostulate with them, to
awaken them to a due sense of their ingratitude and rebellion. This
may refer to the preaching of the Gospel to them in the latter days.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 39. _SEE NOW THAT I _- AM _HE_] Be convinced that God alone can
save, and God alone can destroy, and that your idols can neither
_hurt_ nor _help_ you.
_I KILL, AND I MAKE ALIVE, C._] My mercy is as great as my justice,
for I am as ready to save the penitent as I was to punish the
rebellious.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 40. _FOR I LIFT UP MY HAND TO HEAVEN_] See concerning oaths and
appeals to God in _Clarke's note on "_Deuteronomy 6:13_"_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 42. _FROM THE BEGINNING OF REVENGES_] The word פרעות
_paroth_, rendered _revenges_, a sense in which it never appears to be
taken, has rendered this place very perplexed and obscure. Mr.
_Parkhurst_ has rendered the whole passage thus: -
I will make my arrows drunk with blood;
And my sword s... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 43. _REJOICE, O YE NATIONS_] Ye Gentiles, for the casting off of
the Jews shall be the means of your ingathering with _his_ _people_,
for they shall not be utterly cast off. (See Romans 15:9, for in this
way the apostle applies it.) But how shall the Gentiles be called, and
the Jews have their... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 44. _AND MOSES CAME_] Probably from the tabernacle, where God
had given him this prophetic ode, and he rehearsed it in the ears of
the people.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 46. _SET YOUR HEARTS UNTO ALL THE WORDS_] Another proof that all
these awful denunciations of Divine wrath, though delivered in an
_absolute_ form, were only _declaratory_ of what God would do IF they
rebelled against him.... [ Continue Reading ]
_DAYS_] Instead of being cut off, as God here threatens, ye shall be
preserved and rendered prosperous in the land which, when they passed
over Jordan, they should possess.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:49. _GET THEE UP INTO THIS MOUNTAIN ABARIM_] The
mount of the _passages_, i. e., of the Israelites when they entered
into the promised land. Numbers 27:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:50. _AND DIE IN THE MOUNT - AS AARON_] Some have
supposed that Moses was translated; but if so, then Aaron was
translated, for what is said of the death of the one is said of the
death of the other.... [ Continue Reading ]
MERIBAH_] Numbers 20:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Deuteronomy 32:52. _THOU SHALT SEE THE LAND BEFORE THEE_] See
Numbers 27:12, c. How glorious to depart out of this life with God in
his heart and heaven in his eye! his work, his great, unparalleled
usefulness, ending only with his life. The serious reader will surely
join in the following pio... [ Continue Reading ]