The counsellors advise that a selection of virgins should be

made throughout the empire, out of whom the king should choose

one to be queen in place of Vashti, 1-4.

Account of Mordecai and his cousin Esther, 5-7.

She is chosen among the young women, and is placed under the

care of Hegai, the king's chamberlain, to go through a year's

purification, 8-11.

The manner in which these young women were introduced to the

king, and how those were disposed of who were not called again

to the king's bed, 12-14.

Esther pleases the king, and is set above all the women; and he

makes her queen in the place of Vashti, and does her great

honour, 15-20.

Mordecai, sitting at the king's gate, discovers a conspiracy

formed against the king's life by two of his chamberlains; he

informs the king, the matter is investigated, they are found

guilty and hanged, and the transaction is recorded, 21-23.


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