_The apostle teaches them to be tender and affectionate towards_
_any who, through surprise and the violence of temptation, had_
_fallen into sin; and to bear each other's burdens_, 1, 2.
_To think humbly of themselves, and to conclude concerning their_
_own character rather from th... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Galatians 6:2. _BEAR YE ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS_] Have _sympathy_;
feel for each other; and consider the case of a distressed brother as
your own.
_AND SO FULFIL THE LAW OF CHRIST._] That law or commandment, _Ye_
_shall love one another_; or that, _Do unto all men as ye would they_
_should do u... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Galatians 6:3. _IF A MAN THINK HIMSELF TO BE SOMETHING_] i.e.
To be a proper Christian man; _when he is nothing_; being destitute of
that _charity_ which _beareth, hopeth_, and _endureth_ all things. See
1 Corinthians 13:1, c. Those who suppose themselves to excel all
others in piety, underst... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Galatians 6:4. _PROVE HIS OWN WORK_] Let him examine himself and
his conduct by the words and example of Christ; and if he find that
they bear this _touchstone_, then he shall have _rejoicing in himself_
_alone_, feeling that he resembles his Lord and Master, _and not in_
_another_-not derive... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Galatians 6:5. _EVERY MAN SHALL BEAR HIS OWN BURDEN._] All must
answer for _themselves_, not for their _neighbours_. And every man
must expect to be dealt with by the Divine Judge, as his character and
conduct have been. The greater offences of another will not excuse thy
smaller crimes. Every... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Galatians 6:6. _LET HIM THAT IS TAUGHT IN THE WORD_] He who
receives instructions in Christianity by the public preaching of the
_COMMUNICATE UNTO HIM THAT TEACHETH_] Contribute to the support of the
man who has dedicated himself to the work of the ministry, and who
gives up his time an... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 7. _BE NOT DECEIVED_] Neither deceive yourselves, nor permit
yourselves to be deceived by others. He seems to refer to the
Judaizing teachers.
_GOD IS NOT MOCKED_] Ye cannot deceive him, and he will not permit you
to mock him with _pretended_ instead of _real_ services.
_WHATSOEVER A MAN SOW... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 8. _HE THAT SOWETH TO HIS FLESH_] In like manner, he that _sows
to the flesh_-who indulges his sensual and animal appetites, shall
have _corruption_ as the _crop_: you cannot expect to lead a bad life
and go to heaven at last. According as your present life is, so will
be your eternal life wh... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 9. _LET US NOT BE WEARY_] _Well-doing_ is easier in itself than
_ill-doing_; and the danger of _growing weary_ in the former arises
only from the _opposition_ to good in our _own nature_, or the
_outward hinderances_ we may meet with from a gainsaying and
persecuting world.
_IN DUE SEASON WE... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 10. _AS WE HAVE - OPPORTUNITY_] While it is the _time_ of
_sowing_ let us sow the good seed; and let our love be, as the love of
Christ is, _free, manifested to all_. Let us help all who need help
according to the uttermost of our power; but let the first objects of
our regards be those who ar... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 11. _YE SEE HOW LARGE A LETTER_] There is a strange diversity
of opinions concerning the apostle's meaning in this place. Some think
he refers to the _length_ of the epistle, others to the _largeness_ of
the _letters_ in which this epistle is written, others to the
_inadequacy_ of the apostle... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 12. _A FAIR SHOW IN THE FLESH._] The Jewish religion was general
in the region of Galatia, and it was respectable, as it appears that
the principal inhabitants were either _Jews_ or _proselytes_. As it
was then professed and practised among the Jews, this religion had
nothing very grievous to... [ Continue Reading ]
circumcision and profess Judaism, not from a desire to be conformed to
the _will of God_; but _Judaism_ was popular, and the more converts
the false teachers could make; the more occasion of glorying they had,
and they wished to g... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 14. _BUT GOD FORBID THAT I SHOULD GLORY_] Whatever others may
do, or whatever they may exult or glory in, God forbid that I should
_exult_, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; in the grand
_doctrine_, that justification and salvation are only through Christ
crucified, he having made... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 15. _IN CHRIST JESUS_] Under the dispensation of the Gospel, of
which he is head and supreme, _neither circumcision_- nothing that the
_Jew_ can boast of, nothing that the _Gentile_ can call excellent,
_availeth any thing_-can in the least contribute to the salvation of
the soul.
_BUT A NEW... [ Continue Reading ]
κανονι τουτῳ· _This canon_; viz. what is laid down in
the preceding verses, that redemption is through the sacrifice of
Christ; that circumcision and uncircumcision are equally unavailable;
and that none can be saved without being _created ane... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 17. _FROM HENCEFORTH LET NO MAN TROUBLE ME_] Put an end to your
contentions among yourselves; return to the pure doctrine of the
Gospel; abandon those who are leading you astray; separate from the
Church those who corrupt and disturb it; and let me be grieved no
longer with your defections fro... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Galatians 6:18. _THE GRACE_] Favour, benevolence, and continual
influence of the Lord Jesus, _be with your spirit_ - may it live in
your heart, enlighten and change your souls, and be conspicuous in
your life!
_AMEN._] So let it be; and the prayer which I offer up for you on
earth, may it be... [ Continue Reading ]