The seventh day is consecrated for a sabbath,

and the reasons assigned, 1-3.

A recapitulation of the six days' work of creation, 4-7.

the garden of Eden planted, 8.

Its trees, 9.

Its rivers, and the countries watered by them, 10-14.

Adam placed in the garden, and the command given not

to eat of the tree of knowledge on pain of death, 15-17.

God purposes to form a companion for the man, 18.

The different animals brought to Adam that he might

assign them their names, 19, 20.

The creation of the woman, 21, 22.

The institution of marriage, 23, 24.

The purity and innocence of our first parents, 25.


Verse Genesis 2:1. And all the host of them]. The word host signifies literally an army, composed of a number of companies of soldiers under their respective leaders; and seems here elegantly applied to the various celestial bodies in our system, placed by the Divine wisdom under the influence of the sun. From the original word צבא tsaba, a host, some suppose the Sabeans had their name, because of their paying Divine honours to the heavenly bodies. From the Septuagint version of this place, πας ὁ κοσμος αυτων, all their ornaments, we learn the true meaning of the word κοσμος, commonly translated world, which signifies a decorated or adorned whole or system. And this refers to the beautiful order, harmony, and regularity which subsist among the various parts of creation. This translation must impress the reader with a very favourable opinion of these ancient Greek translators; had they not examined the works of God with a philosophic eye, they never could have given this turn to the original.

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