Verse Genesis 27:3. Thy weapons] The original word כלי keley signifies vessels and instruments of any kind; and is probably used here for a hunting spear, javelin, sword, c.

Quiver] תלי teli, from תלה talah, to hang or suspend. Had not the Septuagint translated the word φαρετραν, and the Vulgate pharetram, a quiver, I should rather have supposed some kind of shield was meant but either can be suspended on the arm or from the shoulder. Some think a sword is meant; and because the original signifies to hang or suspend, hence they think is derived our word hanger, so called because it is generally worn in a pendent posture; but the word hanger did not exist in our language previously to the Crusades, and we have evidently derived it from the Persian [Persian] khanjar, a poniard or dagger, the use of which, not only in battles, but in private assassinations, was well known.

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