God blesses Noah and his sons, 1.

The brute creation to be subject to them through fear, 2.

The first grant of animal food, 3.

Eating of blood forbidden, 4.

Cruelty to animals forbidden, 5.

A man-slayer to forfeit his life, 6.

The covenant of God established between him and Noah and the

whole brute creation, 8-11.

The rainbow given as the sign and pledge of this covenant, 12-17.

The three sons of Noah people the whole earth, 18, 19.

Noah plants a vineyard, drinks of the wine, is intoxicated,

and lies exposed in his tent, 20, 21.

The reprehensible conduct of Ham, 22.

The laudable carriage of Shem and Japheth, 23.

Noah prophetically declares the servitude of the posterity of

Ham, 24, 25;

and the dignity and increase of Shem and Japheth, 26, 27.

The age and death of Noah, 28, 29.


Verse Genesis 9:1. God blessed Noah] Even the increase of families, which appears to depend on merely natural means, and sometimes fortuitous circumstances, is all of God. It is by his power and wisdom that the human being is formed, and it is by his providence alone that man is supported and preserved.

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