The prophet, waiting for a return to his expostulation, is

answered by God that the time for the destruction of the Jewish

polity by the Chaldeans is not only fixed in the Divine

counsel, but is awfully near; and he is therefore commanded to

write down the vision relative to this appalling subject in the

most legible characters, and in the plainest language, that all

who read it with attention (those just persons who exercise an

unwavering faith in the declaration of God respecting the

violent irruption of the merciless Babylonians) may flee from

the impending vengeance, 1-4.

The fall of the Chaldeans, and of their ambitious monarch is

then predicted, 5-10;

and, by a strong and bold personification, the very stone and

wood of those magnificent buildings, which the Babylonish king

had raised by oppression and bloodshed, pronounce his wo, and

in responsive taunts upbraid him, 11, 12.

The prophet then beautifully sets forth the absolute impotence

of every effort, however well conducted, which is not in

concert with the Divine counsel: for though the wicked rage,

and threaten the utter extermination of the people of God; yet

when the SET time to favour Zion is come, the destroyers of

God's heritage shall themselves be destroyed, and "the earth

shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, as the

waters cover the sea," 13, 14.

See Psalms 102:13.

For the cup of idolatry which Babylon has given to many

nations, she will receive of the Lord's hand the cup of fury by

the insurrection of mighty enemies (the Medes and Persians)

rushing like wild beasts to destroy her, 15.

In the midst of this distress the prophet very opportunely asks

in what the Babylonians had profited by their idols, exposes

the absurdity of trusting in them, and calls upon the whole

world to stand in awe of the everlasting Jehovah, 16-19.


Verse Habakkuk 2:1. I will stand upon my watch] The prophets are always represented as watchmen, watching constantly for the comfort, safety, and welfare of the people; and watching also to receive information from the Lord: for the prophetic influence was not always with them, but was granted only at particular times, according to the will of God. When, in doubtful cases, they wished to know what God was about to do with the country, they retired from society and gave themselves to meditation and prayer, waiting thus upon God to hear what he would say IN them.

What he will say unto me] בי bi, IN me - in my understanding and heart.

And what I shall answer when I am reproved.] What I shall say to God in behalf of the people; and what the Lord shall command me to say to the people. Some translate, "And what he will answer for my conviction." Or, "what shall be answered to my pleading."

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