_Exhortations to hospitality to Strangers_, 1, 2.
_Kindness to those in bonds_, 3.
_Concerning marriage_, 4.
_Against covetousness_, 5, 6.
_How they should imitate their teachers_, 7, 8.
_To avoid strange doctrines_, 9.
_Of the Jewish sin-offerings_, 10, 11.
_Jesus suffered wit... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:2. _TO ENTERTAIN STRANGERS_] In those early times,
when there were scarcely any public inns or houses of entertainment,
it was an office of charity and mercy to receive, lodge, and entertain
travellers; and this is what the apostle particularly recommends.
_ENTERTAINED ANGELS_] Abr... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:3. _REMEMBER THEM THAT ARE IN BONDS_] He appears to
refer to those Christian's who were suffering imprisonment for the
testimony of Jesus.
_AS BOUND WITH THEM_] Feel for them as you would wish others to feel
for you were you in their circumstances, knowing that, being in the
body,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:4. _MARRIAGE_ IS _HONOURABLE IN ALL_] Let this state
be highly esteemed as one of God's own instituting, and as highly
calculated to produce the best interests of mankind. This may have
been said against the opinions of the _Essenes_, called _Therapeutae_,
who held marriage in littl... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:5. _LET YOUR CONVERSATION_] That is, the whole tenor
of your conduct, τροπος, the _manner of your life_, or rather
the _disposition_ of your hearts in reference to all your secular
transactions; for in this sense the original is used by the best Greek
Be _WITHOUT COVETOUSN... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:6. _SO THAT WE MAY BOLDLY SAY_] We, in such
circumstances, while cleaving to the Lord, may confidently apply to
ourselves what God spake to Joshua and to Solomon; and what he spake
to David, "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do."
God is omnipotent, man's power is... [ Continue Reading ]
clause should be translated, _Remember your guides_, των
ηγουμενων, _who have spoken unto you the doctrine of God_.
Theodoret's note on this verse is very judicious: "He intends the
saints who were dead, Stephen the first martyr,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:8. _JESUS CHRIST THE SAME YESTERDAY_] In all past
times there was no way to the holiest but through the blood of Jesus,
either actually shed, or significantly typified. _To-day _- he is the
lamb newly slain, and continues to appear in the presence of God for
us. _For ever_-to the co... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:9. _BE NOT CARRIED ABOUT_] μη
περιφερεσθε. _Be not whirled_ _about_. But ABCD, and almost
every other MS. of importance, with the _Syriac, Coptic, Arabic,
Vulgate_, and several of the Greek fathers, have μη
παραφερεσθε, _be not carried away_, which is undoubtedly
the true reading, a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:10. _WE HAVE AN ALTAR_] The altar is here put for the
sacrifice on the altar; the Christian altar is the Christian
sacrifice, which is Christ Jesus, with all the benefits of his passion
and death. To these privileges they had no right who continued to
offer the Levitical sacrifices,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:11. _FOR THE BODIES OF THOSE BEASTS_] Though in
making covenants, and in some victims offered according to the law,
the flesh of the sacrifice was eaten by the offerers; yet the flesh of
the _sin-offering_ might no man eat: when the blood was sprinkled
before the holy place to make... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:12. _THAT HE MIGHT SANCTIFY THE PEOPLE_] That he
might consecrate them to God, and make an atonement for their sins, he
_suffered without the gate_ at Jerusalem, as the sin-offering was
consumed _without the camp_ when the tabernacle abode in the
wilderness. Perhaps all this was typ... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:13. _LET US GO FORTH THEREFORE UNTO HIM_] Let us
leave this city and system, devoted to destruction, and take refuge in
Jesus alone, bearing his reproach-being willing to be accounted the
refuse of all things, and the worst of men, for his sake who bore the
contradiction of sinners... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 14. _FOR HERE HAVE WE NO CONTINUING CITY_] Here is an elegant
and forcible allusion to the approaching destruction of Jerusalem. The
Jerusalem that was _below_ was about to be burnt with fire, and erased
to the ground; the Jerusalem that was _from_ _above_ was that alone
which could be conside... [ Continue Reading ]
He has now fulfilled all vision and prophecy, has offered the last
bloody sacrifice which God will ever accept; and as he is the gift of
God's love to the world, let us through him offer the sacrifice of
praise to God continually,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 16. _BUT TO DO GOOD AND TO COMMUNICATE_] These are continual
sacrifices which God requires, and which will spring from a sense of
God's love in Christ Jesus. Praise to God for his unspeakable gift,
and acts of kindness to men for God's sake. No reliance, even on the
infinitely meritorious sacr... [ Continue Reading ]
_leaders_, τοις ηγουμενοις. He is not fit to _rule_ who
is not capable of _guiding_. Hebrews 13:7. In the former verse the
apostle exhorts them to remember those who had been their leaders, and
to imitate their faith; in this he exhorts t... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 18. _PRAY FOR US_] Even the success of apostles depended, in a
certain way, on the prayers of the Church. Few Christian congregations
feel, as they ought, that it is their bounden duty to pray for the
success of the Gospel, both among themselves and in the world. The
Church is weak, dark, poor... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 19. _THE RATHER TO DO THIS_] That is, pray for us, that, being
enabled to complete the work which God has given us _here_ to do, we
may be the sooner enabled to visit _you_. It is evident, from this,
that the people to whom this epistle was written knew well who was the
author of it; nor does... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 20. _NOW THE GOD OF PEACE_] We have often seen that _peace_
among the Hebrews signifies _prosperity_ of every kind. _The God of_
_peace_ is the same as the God of all blessedness, who has at his
disposal all temporal and eternal good; who loves mankind, and has
provided them a complete salvati... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 21. _MAKE YOU PERFECT_] καταρτισια υμας. Put you
completely _in joint_. 2 Corinthians 13:9, where the meaning of the
original word is largely considered. From the following terms we see
what the apostle meant by the _perfection_ for which he prays. They
were to do the will of God in every good... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 22. _SUFFER THE WORD OF EXHORTATION_] Bear the word or doctrine
of this exhortation. This seems to be an epithet of this whole
epistle: and as the apostle had in it shown the insufficiency of the
Levitical system to atone for sin and save the soul; and had proved
that it was the design of God... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 23. _KNOW YE THAT_ OUR _BROTHER TIMOTHY_] The word ημων,
_our_, which is _supplied_ by our translators, is very probably
genuine, as it is found in ACD*, ten others, the _Syriac_, Erpen's
_Arabic_, the _Coptic, Armenian, Slavonic_, and _Vulgate_.
_IS SET AT LIBERTY_] απολελυμενον. _Is sent a... [ Continue Reading ]
your leaders or guides_, τους ἡγουμενους ὑμων.
See Clarke on Heb 13:7 and _"_Hebrews 13:17_"_.
_AND ALL THE SAINTS._] All the _Christians_; for this is the general
meaning of the term in most parts of St. Paul's writings. But... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Hebrews 13:24. _GRACE BE WITH YOU ALL._] May the Divine favour
ever rest upon you and among you; and may you receive, from that
source of all good, whatsoever is calculated to make you wise, holy,
useful, and happy! And may you be enabled to _persevere_ in the truth
to the end of your lives! _... [ Continue Reading ]