Verse Hebrews 8:10. This is the covenant] This is the nature of that glorious system of religion which I shall publish among them after those days, i.e., in the times of the Gospel.

I will put my laws into their mind] I will influence them with the principles of law, truth, holiness, c. and their understandings shall he fully enlightened to comprehend them.

And write them in their hearts] All their affections, passions, and appetites, shall be purified and filled with holiness and love to God and man; so that they shall willingly obey, and feel that love is the fulfilling of the law: instead of being written on tables of stone, they shall be written on the fleshly tables of their hearts.

I will be to them a God] These are the two grand conditions by which the parties in this covenant or agreement are bound:

1. I will be your God.

2. Ye shall be my people.

As the object of religious adoration to any man is that Being from whom he expects light, direction, defence, support, and happiness: so God, promising to be their God, promises in effect to give them all these great and good things. To be God's people implies that they should give God their whole hearts, serve him with all their light and strength, and have no other object of worship or dependence but himself. Any of these conditions broken, the covenant is rendered null and void, and the other party absolved from his engagement.

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