_Chronological Notes relative to this Epistle_.
-Year of the Constantinopolitan era of the world, or that used by the
Byzantine historians, and other eastern writers, 5569.
-Year of the Alexandrian era of the world, 5563.
-Year of the Antiochian era of the world, 55... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse James 1:2. _COUNT IT ALL JOY_] The word πειρασμος,
which we translate _temptation_, signifies affliction, persecution, or
_trial_ of any kind; and in this sense it is used here, not intending
diabolic suggestion, or what is generally understood by the word
temptation.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse James 1:3. _THE TRYING OF YOUR FAITH_] Trials put religion, and
all the graces of which it is composed to _proof_; the man that
_stands_ in such trials gives proof that his religion is sound, and
the evidence afforded to his own mind induces him to take courage,
bear _patiently_, and _persever... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse James 1:4. _LET PATIENCE HAVE_ HER _PERFECT WORK_] That is,
Continue faithful, and your patience will be _crowned_ with its full
reward; for in this sense is εργον, which we translate _work_, to
be understood. It is any _effect_ produced by a cause, as _interest_
from _money, fruit_ from _till... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse James 1:5. _IF ANY OF YOU LACK WISDOM_] Wisdom signifies in
general _knowledge of the best end_, and _the best means of attaining_
_it_; but in Scripture it signifies the same as _true religion_, the
thorough practical knowledge of God, of one's self, and of a Saviour.
_LET HIM ASK OF GOD_] B... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 6. _LET HIM ASK IN FAITH_] Believing that God IS; that he has
all good; and that he is ever ready to impart to his creatures
whatever they need.
_NOTHING WAVERING._] μηδεν διακρινομενος. _Not
judging_ _otherwise_; having no doubt concerning the truth of these
grand and fundamental principles,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 7. _LET NOT THAT MAN THINK_] The man whose mind is divided, who
is not properly persuaded either of his own wants or God's
sufficiency. Such persons may pray, but having no faith, they can get
no answer.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 8. _A DOUBLE-MINDED MAN_] ανηρ διψυχος. The man of
two souls, who has one for earth, and another for heaven; who wishes
to secure both worlds; he will not give up earth, and he is loth to
let heaven go. This was a usual term among the Jews, to express the
man who attempted to worship God, and... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 9. _LET THE BROTHER OF LOW DEGREE_] The poor, destitute
Christian may _glory_ in the cross of Christ, and the blessed hope
laid up for him in heaven; for, being a child of God, he is an heir of
God, and a joint heir with Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
ταπεινωσει. _In his humiliation _- in his being brought to
the foot of the cross to receive, as a poor and miserable sinner,
redemption through the blood of the cross: and especially let him
rejoice in this, because all outward glory is only as... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 11. _FOR THE SUN IS NO SOONER RISEN_] We need not pursue this
metaphor, as St. James' meaning is sufficiently clear: All human
things are transitory; _rise_ and _fall_, or _increase_ and _decay_,
belong to all the productions of the earth, and to all its
inhabitants. This is unavoidable, for... [ Continue Reading ]
mere Jewish sentiment, and on it the Jews speak some excellent things.
In _Shemoth Rabba_, sec. 31, fol. 129, and in Rab. _Tanchum_, fol. 29,
4, we have these words: "Blessed is the man שהיה עומד
בנסיונו _shehayah omed benisyono_ wh... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 13. _LET NO MAN SAY_] Lest the former sentiment should be
misapplied, as the word _temptation_ has two grand meanings,
_solicitation to sin_, and trial from _providential situation_ or
_circumstances_, James, taking up the word in the former sense, after
having used it in the latter, says: _Le... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 14. _BUT EVERY MAN IS TEMPTED_] Successfully solicited to sin,
when _he is drawn away of his own lust_-when, giving way to the evil
propensity of his own heart, he does that to which he is solicited by
the enemy of his soul.
Among the rabbins we find some fine sayings on this subject. In
_Mid... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 15. _WHEN LUST HATH CONCEIVED_] When the evil propensity works
unchecked, _it bringeth forth sin_-the evil act between the parties is
_AND SIN, WHEN IT IS FINISHED_] When this breach of the law of God and
of innocence has been a sufficient time completed, it _bringeth forth
death... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 16. _DO NOT ERR_] By supposing that God is the author of sin, or
that he impels any man to commit it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Whatever is good is from God; whatever is evil is from man himself. As
from the _sun_, which is the _father_ or fountain of _light_, all
light comes; so from GOD, who is the infinite Fountain, Father, and
_Source_ of _good_, all good... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 18. _OF HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE US_] _God's will_ here is opposed
to the _lust of man_, James 1:15; his _truth_, the means of human
salvation, to the _sinful means_ referred to in the above verse; and
the _new creatures_, to the _sin_ _conceived_ and _brought forth_, as
above. As the _will_ of G... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 19. _SWIFT TO HEAR_] _Talk little and work much_, is a
rabbinical adage.-_Pirkey Aboth_, cap. i. 15.
_The righteous speak little, and do much; the wicked speak much,_ _and
do nothing_.-_Bava Metzia_, fol. 87.
The son of Sirach says, cap. v. 11: Γινου ταχυς εν τῃ
ακροασει σου, και εν μακροθυ... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 20. _THE WRATH OF MAN_] A furious zeal in matters of religion is
detestable in the sight of God; he will have no sacrifice that is not
consumed by fire from his own altar. The zeal that made the Papists
persecute and burn the Protestants, was kindled in hell. This was _the
wrath of man_, and d... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 21. _ALL FILTHINESS_] πασαν ροπαριαν. This word
signifies any impurity that cleaves to the body; but applied to the
mind, it implies all impure and unholy affections, such as those
spoken of James 1:15, which pollute the soul; in this sense it is used
by the best Greek writers.
_SUPERFLUITY O... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 22. _BUT BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD_] They had heard this doctrine;
they had believed it; but they had put it to no practical use. They
were downright _Antinomians_, who put a sort of stupid, inactive faith
in the place of all moral righteousness. This is sufficiently evident
from the second chap... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 23. _BEHOLDING HIS NATURAL FACE IN A GLASS_] This metaphor is
very simple, but very expressive. A man wishes to see his own face,
and how, in its natural state, it appears; for this purpose he looks
into a mirror, by which his real face, with all its blemishes and
imperfections, is exhibited.... [ Continue Reading ]
παρακυψας, which we translate _looketh into_, is very
emphatic, and signifies that deep and attentive consideration given to
a thing or subject which a man cannot bring up to his eyes, and
therefore must _bend his back and neck, stooping... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 26. _SEEM TO BE RELIGIOUS_] The words θρησκος and
θρησκεια, which we translate _religious_ and _religion_, (see
the next verse,) are of very uncertain etymology. _Suidas_, under the
word θρησκευει, which he translates
θεοσεβειυπηρετειτοιςθεοις, _he worships_ or
_serves the gods_, accounts for... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse James 1:27. _PURE RELIGION, AND UNDEFILED_] Having seen
something of the etymology of the word θρησκεια, which we
translate _religion_, it will be well to consider the etymology of the
word _religion_ itself.
In the 28th chapter of the 4th book of his _Divine Instructions_,
LACTANTIUS, who fl... [ Continue Reading ]