Sequel of the discourse which commenced in the preceding

chapter. The prophet denounces vengeance against the pastors of

Israel who have scattered and destroyed the flock of the Lord,

1, 2.

He concludes with gracious promises of deliverance from the

Babylonish captivity, and of better times under the Messiah,

when the converts to Christianity, who are the true Israel of

God, shadowed forth by the old dispensation, shall be

delivered, by the glorious light of the Gospel, from worse than

Chaldean bondage, from the captivity of sin and death. But this

prophecy will not have its fullest accomplishment till that

period arrives which is fixed in the Divine counsel for the

restoration of Israel and Judah from their various dispersions,

of which their deliverance from the Chaldean domination was a

type, when Jesus the Christ, the righteous Branch, the Root and

Offspring of David, and the only legitimate Heir to the throne,

shall take unto himself his great power, and reign gloriously

over the whole house of Jacob, 3-8.

At the ninth verse a new discourse commences. Jeremiah

expresses his horror at the great wickedness of the priests and

prophets of Judah, and declares that the Divine vengeance is

hanging over them. He exhorts the people not to listen to their

false promises, 9-22;

and predicts the utter ruin that shall fall upon all pretenders

to inspiration, 23-32,

as well as upon all scoffers at true prophecy, 33-40.


Verse Jeremiah 23:1. Wo be unto the pastors] There shall a curse fall on the kings, princes, priests, and prophets; who, by their vicious conduct and example, have brought desolation upon the people.

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