Jeremiah reproves the Jews in Egypt for continuing in idolatry

after the exemplary judgments indicted by God on their nation

for that sin, 1-14;

and, upon their refusing to reform, denounces destruction to

them, and to that kingdom wherein they sought protection,



Verse Jeremiah 44:1. The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews] Dahler supposes this discourse to have been delivered in the seventeenth or eighteenth year after the taking of Jerusalem.

Which dwell at Migdol] A city of Lower Egypt, not far from Pelusium.

Tahpanhes] Daphne Pelusiaca, the place to which the emigrant Jews first went.

Noph] מפס Maphes, Targum. Memphis. a celebrated city of Middle Egypt, and the capital of its district.

The country of Pathros] A district of Upper Egypt, known by the name of the Thebais. See Bochart, Lib. Phaleg, lib. iv., c. 22. Thus we find that the Jews were scattered over the principal parts of Egypt.

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