Among the nations doomed to suffer from the hostilities of

Nebuchadnezzar are the Philistines, (see Jeremiah 25:20.)

And the calamities predicted in this chapter befell them

probably during the long siege of Tyre, when their country was

desolated to prevent their giving Tyre or Sidon any assistance,


The whole of this chapter is remarkably elegant. The address to

the sword of Jehovah, at the close of it, is particularly a

very beautiful and bold personification, 6, 7.


Verse Jeremiah 47:1. The word of the Lord - against the Philistines] The date of this prophecy cannot be easily ascertained. Dr. Blayney thinks it was delivered about the fourth year of Zedekiah, while Dahler assigns it some time in the reign of Josiah.

Before that Pharaoh smote Gaza.] We have no historical relation of any Egyptian king smiting Gaza. It was no doubt smitten by some of them; but when, and by whom, does not appear either from sacred or profane history.

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