Verse Job 22:20. Whereas our substance is not cut down] We, who fear the Lord, still continue in health and peace; whereas they who have departed from him are destroyed even to their very remnant.

Mr. Good thinks that קימנו kimanu, which we translate our substance, is the same as the Arabic [Arabic] our people or tribe; and hence he translates the clause thus: "For our tribe is not cut off; while even the remnant of these a conflagration consumed." The reference here is supposed to be to the destruction of the men of Sodom and Gomorrah. A judgment by a flood took off the world of the ungodly in the days of Noah. Their remnant, those who lived in the same ungodly way, were taken off by a judgment of fire, in the days of Lot. Eliphaz introduces these two examples in order to terrify Job into a compliance with the exhortation which immediately follows.

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