-Usherian years of the World, 3999-4033.
-Alexandrian years of the World, 5497-5531.
-Antiochian years of the World, 5487-5621.
-Constantinopolitan AEra of the World, 5503-5537.
-Rabbinical years of the World, 3754-3788.
-Years of the Julian Period, 4708-4742.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:3. _ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM_] That is, by this
Logos. In Genesis 1:1, GOD is said to have created all things: in this
verse, _Christ_ is said to have created all things: the same unerring
Spirit spoke in _Moses_ and in the _evangelists_: therefore _Christ_
and the _Father_ are ONE.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:4. _IN HIM WAS LIFE_] Many MSS., versions, and fathers,
connect this with the preceding verse, thus: _All things were made_
_by him, and without him was nothing made. What was made had life_ _in
it; but THIS LIFE was the light of men_. That is, though every thing
he made had a principl... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:5. _AND THE LIGHT SHINETH IN DARKNESS_] By _darkness_
here may be understood:
1. The heathen world, Ephesians 5:8.
2. The Jewish people.
3. The fallen spirit of man.
_COMPREHENDED IT NOT._] αυτο ου κατελαβεν, _Prevented
it_ _not-hindered it not_, says Mr. Wakefield, who adds the fo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:6. _WHOSE NAME_ WAS _JOHN._] This was John the Baptist;
see his name and the nature of his office explained, Mark 1:4, and
Matthew 3:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
testified that Jesus was the _true light_-the true _teacher_ of the
way to the kingdom of glory, and the _lamb_ or sacrifice of God, which
was to bear away the sin of the world, John 1:29, and invited men to
believe in him for the remis... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:9. _WHICH LIGHTETH EVERY MAN_] As Christ is the Spring
and Fountain of all wisdom, so all the wisdom that is in man comes
from _him_; the human _intellect_ is a ray from his brightness; and
_reason_ itself springs from this Logos, the eternal reason. Some of
the most eminent rabbins und... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:10. _HE WAS IN THE WORLD_] From its very commencement-he
governed the universe-regulated his Church-spake by his prophets-and
often, as the angel or messenger of Jehovah, appeared to them, and to
the patriarchs.
_THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT._] αυτον ουκ εγνω - _Did not
acknowledge him_; fo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:11. _HE CAME UNTO HIS OWN_] τα ιδια - to those of
his own _family, city, country:-and his own people_,
οιιδιοι-his own _citizens, brethren, subjects_.
The _Septuagint, Josephus_, and _Arrian_, use these words, τα
ιδιοι and οι ιδιοι, in the different senses given them
_RECEIVED... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:12. _GAVE HE POWER_] εξουσιαν, _Privilege,
honour, dignity_, or _right_. He who is made a child of God enjoys the
greatest privilege which the Divine Being can confer on this side
eternity. Those who accept Jesus Christ, as he is offered to them in
the Gospel, have, through his blood,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:13. _WHICH WERE BORN, NOT OF BLOOD_] Who were
regenerated, ουκ εξ αιματων, _not of bloods_-the union of
father and mother, or of a distinguished or illustrious ancestry; for
the Hebrew language makes use of the _plural_ to point out the dignity
or excellence of a thing: and probably by... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:14. _AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH_] That very person who
was in the beginning-who was with God-and who was God, John 1:1, in
the fulness of time became flesh-became incarnated by the power of the
Holy Ghost, in the womb of the virgin. Allowing this apostle to have
written by Divine inspi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:15. _OF HIM_] The glorious personage before mentioned:
_John_ _the Baptist_, whose history was well known to the persons to
whom this Gospel came in the beginning, _bare witness; and he_
_cried_, - being deeply convinced of the importance and truth of the
subject, he delivered his testi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:16. This verse should be put in place of the _fifteenth_,
and the 15th inserted between the 18th and 19th, which appears to be
its proper place: thus John's testimony is properly connected. John
_AND OF HIS FULNESS_] Of the plenitude of his _grace_ and _mercy_, by
which he made a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:17. _THE LAW WAS GIVEN BY MOSES_] Moses received the law
from God, and _through_ him it was given to the Jews, Acts 7:38.
But _GRACE AND TRUTH_] Which he had already mentioned, and which were
to be the subject of the book which he was now writing, _came_ to all
mankind _through Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:18. _NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME_] Moses and others
_heard_ his voice, and _saw_ the cloud and the fire, which were the
_symbols_ of his presence; but such a manifestation of God as had now
taken place, in the person of Jesus Christ, had never before been
exhibited to the world. I... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:19. _AND THIS IS THE RECORD OF JOHN_] He persisted in
this assertion, testifying to the Jews that this Jesus was THE CHRIST.... [ Continue Reading ]
common mode of Jewish phraseology. John renounces himself, that Jesus
may be all in all. Though God had highly honoured him, and favoured
him with peculiar influence in the discharge of his work, yet he
considered he had nothing but w... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:21. _ART THOU ELIAS?_] The scribes themselves had taught
that Elijah was to come before the Messiah. See Matthew 17:10; and
this belief of theirs they supported by a literal construction of
Malachi 4:5.
_ART THOU THAT PROPHET?_] the prophet spoken of by Moses, Deuteronomy
18:15, Deute... [ Continue Reading ]
Pharisees were probably a deputation from the grand Sanhedrin; the
members of which, hearing of the success of the Baptist's preaching,
were puzzled to know what to make of him, and seriously desired to
hear from himself what he pro... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 23. _I_ AM _THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING_] Matthew 3:3; and Mark 1:4,
Mark 1:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 25. _WHY BAPTIZEST THOU THEN?_] Baptism was a very common
ceremony among the Jews, who never received a proselyte into the full
enjoyment of a Jew's privileges, till he was both baptized and
circumcised. But such baptisms were never performed except by an
ordinance of the Sanhedrin, or in the... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 26. _I BAPTIZE WITH WATER_] Mark 1:8, Mark 1:8. I use the common
form, though I direct the baptized to a different end, viz. that they
shall repent of their sins, and believe in the Messiah.
_THERE STANDETH ONE AMONG YOU_] That is, the person whose forerunner I
am is now _dwelling in the land... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 27. _IS PREFERRED BEFORE ME_] Ὁς εμπροσθεν μου
γεγονεν, _Who_ _was before me_. This clause is wanting in BC*L,
four others, the _Coptic, AEthiopic, Slavonic_, and two copies of the
_Itala_, and in some of the primitive fathers. _Griesbach_ has left it
out of the text. It is likely that it was... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 28. _THESE THINGS WERE DONE IN BETHABARA_] It is very probable
that the word _Bethany_ should be inserted here, instead of
_Bethabara_. This reading, in the judgment of the best critics, is the
genuine one. The following are the authorities by which it is
supported: ABCEGHLMSX, BV, of Matthai... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 29. _THE NEXT DAY_] The day after that on which the Jews had
been with John, John 1:19.
_BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD_, c.] This was said in allusion to what was
spoken Isaiah 53:7. Jesus was the true Lamb or Sacrifice required and
appointed by God, of which those offered _daily_ in the tabernacle... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 31. _AND I KNEW HIM NOT_, c.] John did not know our Lord
_personally_, and perhaps had never seen him, at the time he spoke the
words in John 1:15. Nor is it any wonder that the Baptist should have
been unacquainted with Christ, as he had spent thirty years in the
hill country of Hebron, and o... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 32. _I SAW THE SPIRIT DESCENDING_, c.] See the notes on Matthew
3:16, Matthew 3:17.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 33. _HE THAT SENT ME - SAID UNTO ME_] From this we may clearly
perceive that John had a most intimate acquaintance with the Divine
Being; and received not only his call and mission at first, but every
subsequent direction, by _immediate, unequivocal_ _inspiration_. Who
is fit to proclaim Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 35. _THE NEXT DAY_] After that mentioned John 1:29.
_TWO OF HIS DISCIPLES_] One of them was _Andrew_, John 1:40, and it is
very likely that _John_ himself was the other; in every thing in which
he might receive honour he studiously endeavours to conceal his own
name.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 36. _AND LOOKING UPON JESUS_] _Attentively beholding_,
εμβλεψας, from εν, _into_, and βλεπω, _to look _- to
view with steadfastness and attention. He who desires to discover the
glories and excellencies of this Lamb of God, must _thus_ look on him.
At first sight, he appears only as a man amon... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 37. _AND THE TWO DISCIPLES HEARD HIM_] And they perfectly
understood their master's meaning; in consequence of which, they
followed Jesus. Happy they who, on hearing of the salvation of Christ,
immediately attach themselves to its author! Delays are always
dangerous; and, in this case, often f... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 38. _WHAT SEEK YE?_] These disciples might have felt some
embarrassment in addressing our blessed Lord, after hearing the
character which the Baptist gave of him; to remove or prevent this, he
graciously accosts them, and gives them an opportunity of explaining
themselves to him. Such questio... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 39. _COME AND SEE._] If those who know not the salvation of God
would _come_ at the command of Christ, they should soon _see_ that
with him is the fountain of life, and in his light they should see
light. Reader, if thou art seriously inquiring _where_ Christ
dwelleth, take the following for... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 41. _FINDETH HIS OWN BROTHER SIMON_] Every discovery of the
Gospel of the Son of God produces benevolence, and leads those to whom
it is made to communicate it to others. Those who find Jesus find in
him a treasure of _wisdom_ and _knowledge_, through which they may not
only become rich themse... [ Continue Reading ]
signifies a _stone_, or fragment of a rock. The reason why this name
was given to Simon, who was ever afterwards called _Peter_, may be
seen in the notes on Matthew 16:18, Matthew 16:19, and particularly in
Luke, at the end of chap 9.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 43. _PHILIP_] This apostle was a native of Bethsaida in Galilee.
_Eusebius_ says he was a married man, and had several daughters.
_Clemens Alexandrinus_ mentions it as a thing universally acknowledged
that it was this apostle who, when commanded by our Lord to follow
him, said, _Let me first g... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 45. _NATHANAEL_] This apostle is supposed to be the same with
_Bartholomew_, which is very likely, for these reasons
1. That the evangelists who mention _Bartholomew_ say nothing of
_Nathanael_; and that St. John, who speaks of _Nathanael_, says
nothing of _Bartholomew_.
2. No notice is take... [ Continue Reading ]
Pearce supposes that the τι αγαθον of the evangelist has some
particular force in it: for, in Jeremiah 33:14, God says, I will
perform _that good thing_ which I promised, c. and this, in Jeremiah
33:15 is explained to mean, his causing... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 47. _BEHOLD AN ISRAELITE INDEED_] A worthy descendant of the
patriarch Jacob, who not only professes to believe in Israel's God,
but who worships him in sincerity and truth, according to his light.
_IN WHOM IS NO GUILE!_] Deceitfulness ever has been, and still is, the
deeply marked characteri... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 48. _WHENCE KNOWEST THOU ME?_] He was not yet acquainted with
the divinity of Christ, could not conceive that he could search his
heart, and therefore asks how he could acquire this knowledge of him,
or who had given him that character. It is the comfort of the sincere
and upright, that God kn... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 49. _RABBI_] That is, _Teacher_! and so this word should be
_THOU ART THE SON OF GOD_] The promised Messiah.
_THOU ART THE KING OF ISRAEL._] The real descendant of David, who art
to sit on that spiritual throne of which the throne of David was the
type.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:50. _BECAUSE I SAID - I SAW THEE_, c.] As thou hast
credited my Divine mission on this simple proof, that I saw thee when
and where no human eye, placed where mine was, could see thee, thy
faith shall not rest merely upon this, for _thou shalt see greater_
_things than these _- more num... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 1:51. _VERILY, VERILY_] _Amen, amen_. The doubling of this
word probably came from this circumstance: that it was written both in
Hebrew אמן and in Greek αμην, signifying, _it is true_.
_HEAVEN OPEN_] This seems to be a figurative expression:
1. Christ may be understood by this saying t... [ Continue Reading ]