_Account of the sickness of Lazarus_, 1.
_His sisters Martha and Mary send for Christ_, 2.
_Our Lord's discourse with his disciples on this sickness and_
_consequent death_, 3-16.
_He arrives at Bethany four days after the burying of Lazarus_,
17, 18.
_Martha meets Christ-their co... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:2. _IT WAS_ THAT _MARY WHICH ANOINTED_] There is much
disagreement between learned men relative to the two anointings of our
Lord, and the persons who performed these acts. The various
conjectures concerning these points the reader will find in the notes
on Matthew 26:7, c., but partic... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:3. _HE WHOM THOU LOVEST IS SICK._] Nothing could be more
_simple_, nor more _modest_, than this prayer: they do not say, Come
and heal him: or, Command the disease to depart even where thou art,
and it will obey thee: - they content themselves with simply stating
the case, and using an... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:4. _THIS SICKNESS IS NOT UNTO DEATH_] Not to final
privation of life at this time; but a temporary death shall be now
permitted, that the glory of God may appear in the miracle of his
resurrection. It is very likely that this verse contains the message
which Christ sent back, by the pe... [ Continue Reading ]
LAZARUS._] Therefore his staying _two days longer_ in Bethabara was
not through lack of affection for this distressed family, but merely
that he might have a more favourable opportunity of proving to them
_how_ _much_ he loved them. Chris... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:8. _THE JEWS OF LATE SOUGHT TO STONE THEE_] It was but a
few weeks before that they were going to stone him in the temple, on
the day of the feast of the dedication, John 10:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:9. _ARE THERE NOT TWELVE HOURS IN THE DAY?_] The Jews,
as well as most other nations, divided the day, from sun-rising to
sun-setting, into twelve equal parts; but these parts, or hours, were
longer or shorter, according to the different seasons of the year.
John 1:39.
Our Lord allud... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:11. _LAZARUS SLEEPETH_] It was very common among the
Jews to express _death_ by _sleep_; and the expression, _falling_
_asleep - sleeping with their fathers_, c., were in great use among
them. The Hebrews probably used this form of speech to signify their
belief in the _immortality_ of... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:12. _IF HE SLEEP, HE SHALL DO WELL._] That is, _if he
sleep_ _only_, c. Though the word sleep frequently meant death, (see
Acts 7:60; 1 Corinthians 11:30; 1 Corinthians 15:18, 1 Corinthians
15:20), yet, as it was an ambiguous term, the disciples appear here to
have mistaken its meanin... [ Continue Reading ]
tell you plainly, Lazarus is dead: and I am glad I was not there - if
I had been, I should have been prevailed on to have healed him almost
as soon as he fell sick, and I should not have had so striking an
occasion to manifest the... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:16. _THOMAS, WHICH IS CALLED DIDYMUS_] _Thomas_, or
תאום _Thaom_, was his _Hebrew_ name, and signifies a _twin _- one
who had a brother or a sister born with him at the same time:
_Didymus_, διδυμος, is a literal translation of the Hebrew word
into _Greek_. In Genesis 25:24, _Esau_ and... [ Continue Reading ]
Lord probably left _Bethabara_ the day, or the day after, Lazarus
died. He came to _Bethany_ three days after; and it appears that
Lazarus had been buried about four days, and consequently that he had
been put in the grave the da... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:18. _FIFTEEN FURLONGS_] About two miles: for the Jewish
miles contained about seven furlongs and a half. So _Lightfoot_, and
the _margin_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:19. _MANY OF THE JEWS CAME_] Bethany being so nigh to
Jerusalem, many of the relatives and friends of the family came,
according to the Jewish custom, to mourn with the afflicted sisters.
Mourning, among the Jews, lasted about _thirty_ days: the _three_
first days were termed days of... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:20. _MARTHA - WENT AND MET HIM_] Some suppose she was
the eldest of the two sisters - she seems to have had the management
of the house. See Luke 10:40.
_MARY SAT_ STILL _IN THE HOUSE._] It is likely that by this
circumstance the evangelist intended to convey the idea of her sorrow
a... [ Continue Reading ]
DIED._] Mary said the same words to him a little after, John 11:32,
which proves that these sisters had not a complete knowledge of the
omnipotence of Christ: they thought he could cure at hand, but not at
a distance; or they thought th... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 22. _I KNOW, THAT EVEN NOW_] She durst not ask so great a favour
in direct terms; she only intimated modestly that she knew he could do
it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 23. _THY BROTHER SHALL RISE AGAIN._] That is, directly; for it
was by raising him immediately from the dead that he intended to
comfort her.... [ Continue Reading ]
doctrine of the _resurrection of the dead_ was then commonly received;
and though it was our Lord who fully _exemplified_ it by his own
resurrection, yet the opinion was common, not only among God's people,
but among all those who... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 25. _I AM THE RESURRECTION, AND THE LIFE_] Thou sayest that thy
brother shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day; but by
whom shall he arise if not by ME, who am the author of the
resurrection, and the source of life? And is it not as easy for me to
raise him _now_ as to raise him... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 26. _SHALL NEVER DIE._] Or, _Shall not die for ever_. Though he
die a temporal death. he shall not continue under its power for ever;
but shall have a resurrection to life eternal.
_BELIEVEST THOU THIS?_] God has determined to work in the behalf of
men only in proportion to their _faith_ in h... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 27. _YEA, LORD: I BELIEVE_] πεπιστευκα, _I have
believed_. Either meaning that she had believed this for some time
past, or that, since he began to teach her, her faith had been
considerable increased; but verbs _preter_, in Greek, are often used
to signify the _present_. Martha here acknowled... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 28. _THE MASTER IS COME_] This was the appellation which he had
in the family; and from these words it appears that Christ had
inquired for Mary, desiring to have her present, that he might
strengthen her faith, previously to his raising her brother.... [ Continue Reading ]
burying places were without their cities and villages, it appears that
the place where our Saviour was, when Martha met him, was not far from
the place where Lazarus was buried. Luke 7:12, Luke 7:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 31. _SHE GOETH UNTO THE GRAVE TO WEEP THERE._] It appears that
it was the custom for the nearest relatives of the deceased to go at
times, during the three days of weeping, accompanied by their friends
and neighbours, to mourn near the graves of the deceased. They
supposed that the spirit hove... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 33. _HE GROANED IN THE SPIRIT_, c.] Here the blessed Jesus shows
himself to be _truly man_ and a man, too, who, notwithstanding his
amazing dignity and excellence, did not feel it beneath him to
sympathize with the distressed, and weep with those who wept. After
this example of our Lord, shall... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 35. _JESUS WEPT._] The least verse in the Bible, yet inferior to
none. Some of the _ruthless_ ancients, improperly styled _fathers_ of
the Church, thought that weeping was a degradation of the character of
Christ; and therefore, according to the testimony of _Epiphanius_,
Anchorat. c. 13, raze... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 36. _BEHOLD HOW HE LOVED HIM!_] And when _we_ see him pouring
out his blood and life upon the cross for mankind, we may with
exultation and joy cry out, _Behold how he hath loved US_!... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 37. _COULD NOT THIS MAN, WHICH OPENED THE EYES_, c.] Through the
maliciousness of their hearts, these Jews considered the tears of
Jesus as a proof of his weakness. We may suppose them to have spoken
thus: "If he loved him so well, why did he not heal him? And if he
could have healed him, why... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 38. _IT WAS A CAVE_, c.] It is likely that several of the Jewish
burying-places were made in the sides of rocks some were probably dug
down like a well from the upper surface, and then hollowed under into
niches, and a flat stone, laid down upon the top, would serve for a
door. Yet, from what... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 39. _TAKE YE AWAY THE STONE._] He desired to convince all those
who were at the place, and especially those who took away the stone,
that Lazarus was not only _dead_, but that _putrescency_ had already
taken place, that it might not be afterwards said that Lazarus had
only fallen into a lethar... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 40. _IF THOU WOULDEST BELIEVE_, c.] So it appears that it is
_faith_ alone that interests the miraculous and saving power of God in
behalf of men. Instead of δοξαν, _the glory_, one MS. reads
δυναμιν, _the miraculous power_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 41. _WHERE THE DEAD WAS LAID._] These words are wanting in
BC*DL, _three_ others; _Syriac, Persic, Arabic, Sahidic, AEthiopic,_
_Armenian, Vulgate, Saxon_, and in all the _Itala_. _Griesbach_ leaves
them out of the text.
_FATHER, I THANK THEE_] As it was a common opinion that great miracles
m... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 43. _HE CRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE_] In John 5:25, our Lord had
said, _that the time was coming, in which the dead should hear the_
_voice of the Son of God, and live_. He now fulfils that prediction,
and _cries aloud_, that the people may take notice, and see that even
death is subject to the so... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 44. _BOUND HAND AND FOOT WITH GRAVE - CLOTHES_] _Swathed about_
_with rollers _- κειριαις, from κειρω, _I cut_. These
were long slips of linen a few inches in breadth, with which the body
and limbs of the dead were swathed, and especially those who were
embalmed, that the aromatics might be k... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 45. _MANY OF THE JEWS - BELIEVED ON HIM._] They saw that the
miracle was incontestable; and they were determined to resist the
truth no longer. Their friendly visit to these distressed sisters
became the means of their conversion. How true is the saying of the
wise man, _It is better to go to... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 46. _BUT SOME OF THEM WENT THEIR WAYS_] Astonishing! Some that
had seen even this miracle steeled their hearts against it; and not
only so, but conspired the destruction of this most humane, amiable,
and glorious Saviour! Those who _obstinately_ resist the truth of God
are capable of every thi... [ Continue Reading ]
_COUNCIL_] The Pharisees, as such, had no power to assemble councils;
and therefore only those are meant who were scribes or elders of the
people, in conjunction with _Annas_ and his son-in-law _Caiaphas_, who
were the _high priests_ he... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 48. _ALL MEN WILL BELIEVE ON HIM_] If we permit him to work but
a few more miracles like these two last (the cure of the blind man,
and the resurrection of Lazarus) he will be universally acknowledged
for the Messiah; the people will proclaim him king; and the Romans,
who can suffer no governm... [ Continue Reading ]
of Moses, Exodus 40:15, the office of high priest was _for life_, and
the son of Aaron's race always succeeded his father, But at this time
the high priesthood was almost _annual_: the Romans and Herod put down
and raised up _who... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 50. _NOR CONSIDER_] Ye talk more at _random_ than according to
_reason_, and the exigencies of the case. There is a various reading
here in some MSS. that should be noticed. Instead of ουδε
διαλογιζεσθε, which we translate, _ye do not consider_,
and which properly conveys the idea of _conferri... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 51. _THIS SPAKE HE NOT OF HIMSELF_] Wicked and worthless as he
was, God so guided his tongue that, contrary to his intention, he
pronounced a prophecy of the death of Jesus Christ.
I have already remarked that the doctrine of a _vicarious_ _atonement_
had gained, long before this time, univer... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 52. _AND NOT FOR THAT NATION ONLY_, c.] These, and the preceding
words in John 11:51, are John's explication of what was _prophetic_ in
the words of Caiaphas: as if John had said, He is indeed to die for
the sins of the Jewish nation, but not for theirs alone, but for the
sins of the whole wor... [ Continue Reading ]
συνεβουλευσαντο, they were of _one accord_ in the
business, and had _fully made up their minds_ on the subject; and they
waited only for a proper opportunity to put him to death.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 54. _WALKED NO MORE OPENLY_] παρρησια, He did not go as
before through the cities and villages, teaching, preaching, and
healing the sick.
_NEAR TO THE WILDERNESS_] Some MSS. add, of _Samphourein_, or
_Samphourim_, or _Sapfurim_.
_A CITY CHILLED EPHRAIM_] Variously written in the MSS., _Eph... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:55. _THE JEWS' PASSOVER WAS NIGH AT HAND_] It is not
necessary to suppose that this verse has any particular connection
with the preceding. Most chronologists agree that our Lord spent at
least _two_ months in Ephraim. This was the last passover which our
Lord attended; and it was at... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:56. _THEN SOUGHT THEY FOR JESUS_] Probably those of
_Ephraim_, in whose company Christ is supposed to have departed for
the feast, but, having stayed behind, perhaps at Jericho, or its
vicinity, the others had not missed him till they came to the temple,
and then inquired among each ot... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse John 11:57. _HAD GIVEN A COMMANDMENT_] Had given order;
εντολην, _positive order_, or _injunction_, and perhaps with a
grievous _penalty_, that no one should keep the place of his residence
a secret. This was their hour, and the power of darkness; and now they
are fully determined to take away... [ Continue Reading ]