Christ warns his disciples, and foretells the persecutions

they should receive from the Jews, 1-4.

Foretells his death, and promises them the Comforter, 5-7.

Points out his operations among the Jews, and in the world,


His peculiar influences on the souls of the disciples, 12-15.

Speaks figuratively of his death and resurrection, at which his

disciples are puzzled, 16-18.

He explains and illustrates the whole by a similitude, 19-22.

Shows himself to be the Mediator between God and man, and that

all prayers must be put up in his name, 23-28.

The disciples clearly comprehend his meaning and express their

strong faith in him, 29, 30.

He again foretells their persecution, and promises them his

peace and support, 31-33.


Verse John 16:1. These things have I spoken] Particularly what is mentioned in the two last chapters.

Be offended.] Ἱνα μη σκανδαλισθητε, That ye should not be stumbled. May not fall away from the faith, nor receive any injury to your souls, as that man does to his body who stumbles, or falls over a stone, or block, in the way which he has not discovered.

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