The story of the woman taken in adultery, 1-11.

Jesus declares himself the light of the world, 12.

The Pharisees cavil, 13.

Jesus answers, and shows his authority, 14-20.

He delivers a second discourse, in which he convicts them of

sin, and foretells their dying in it, because of their

unbelief, 21-24.

They question him; he answers, and foretells his own death,


Many believe on him, in consequence of this last discourse, 30.

To whom he gives suitable advice, 31, 32.

The Jews again cavil, and plead the nobility and advantages of

their birth, 33.

Jesus shows the vanity of their pretensions, and the wickedness

of their hearts, 34-47.

They blaspheme, and Christ convicts and reproves them, and

asserts his Divine nature, 48-58.

They attempt to stone him, 59.


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