_The lot of the half tribe of Manasseh_, 1, 2.
_Case of the daughters of Zelophehad_, 3-6.
_The borders of Manasseh described_, 7-11.
_The Canaanites dwell among them, but are laid under tribute_,
12, 13.
_The children of Joseph complain of the scantiness of their lot_,
_... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:2. _THE REST OF THE CHILDREN OF MANASSEH_] That is,
his _grandchildren_; for it is contended that Manasseh had no other
son than _Machir_; and these were very probably the children of
Gilead, the son of Machir.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:3. _ZELOPHEHAD - HAD NO SONS, BUT DAUGHTERS_] See this
case considered at large in the notes on Numbers 27:1; Numbers 36:1,
c.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:5. _THERE FELL TEN PORTIONS TO MANASSEH_] The Hebrew
word חבלי _chabley_, which we translate _portions_, signifies
literally _cords_ or _cables_, and intimates that by means of a _cord,
cable_, or what we call a _chain_, the land was divided. We have but
little account of the arts a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:9. _UNTO THE RIVER KANAH_] Literally, the _river_ or
_valley of_ _the reeds_, translated by the Vulgate, _vallis
arundintei_. The tribe of Manasseh appears to have been bounded on the
north by this _torrent_ or _valley_, and on the south by the
Mediterranean Sea.... [ Continue Reading ]
tribe of Asher extended from the Mediterranean Sea to Mount Carmel,
Joshua 19:26, and the tribe of Manasseh extended to _Dor_ and her
towns, (see the following verse Joshua 17:11), which were in the
vicinity of Carmel; and thus it a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:11. _BETH-SHEAN_] Called afterwards _Scythopolis_; the
city of the _Scythians_ or _Cuthites_, those who were sent into the
different Samaritan cities by the kings of Assyria.
_DOR_] On the Mediterranean Sea, about eight miles from Caesarea, on
the road to Tyre.
_EN-DOR_] The _well_... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:12. _COULD NOT DRIVE OUT, C._] They had neither
_grace_ nor _courage_ to go against their enemies, and chose rather to
share their territories with those whom the justice of God had
proscribed, than exert themselves to expel them. But some commentators
give a different turn to this e... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:15. _IF THOU BE A GREAT PEOPLE_] Joshua takes them at
their own word; they said, Joshua 17:14, that they were a great
people; then said he, _If thou be a great people_ or _seeing thou art
a great_ _people, go to the wood country, and clear away for thyself_.
Joshua would not reverse... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:16. _THE HILL IS NOT ENOUGH FOR US_] The mountain of
Gilboa being that which had fallen to them by lot.
_CHARIOTS OF IRON_] We cannot possess the plain country, because that
is occupied by the Canaanites; and we cannot conquer them, because
they have _chariots of iron_, that is, ver... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 17:18. _THE OUTGOINGS OF IT SHALL BE THINE_] Clear away
the wood, occupy the mountain, and you shall soon be able to command
all the valleys; and, possessing all the defiles of the country, you
shall drive out the Canaanites, though they have chariots of iron:
your situation will be adv... [ Continue Reading ]