_All the kings of the_ Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites,
Hivites, _and_ Jebusites, _unite them forces against Joshua_, 1, 2.
_The inhabitants of_ Gibeon, _hearing what Joshua had done to Ai,_
_sent ambassadors to him, feigning themselves to come from a_
_very distant tribe,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:3. _THE INHABITANTS OF GIBEON HEARD_] These alone did
not join the confederation. Gibeon is supposed to have been the
capital of the _Hivites_. In the division of the land it fell to the
lot of Benjamin, Joshua 18:25, and was afterwards given to the
priests, Joshua 21:17. Joshua 10:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:4. _THEY DID WORK WILILY_] Finesse of this kind is
allowed by the conduct of all nations; and _stratagems_ in war are all
considered as legal. Nine tenths of the victories gained are
attributable to _stratagem_; all sides practise them, and therefore
none can condemn them. Much time... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:5. _OLD SHOES AND CLOUTED_] Their sandals, they
pretended had been worn out by long and difficult travelling, and they
had been obliged to have them frequently _patched_ during the way;
their garments also were worn _thin_; and what remained of their bread
was _mouldy_-spotted with ag... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:6. _MAKE YE A LEAGUE WITH US._] כרתו לנו
ברית _kirethu lanu_ _berith, cut_, or _divide, the covenant
sacrifice with us_. From this it appears that heathenism at this time
had its sacrifices, and covenants were ratified by sacrificing to and
invoking the objects of their adoration.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:7. _PERADVENTURE YE DWELL AMONG US_] It is strange they
should have had such a suspicion, as the Gibeonites had acted so
artfully; and it is as strange that, having such a suspicion, they
acted with so little caution.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:8. _WE_ ARE _THY SERVANTS._] This appears to have been
the only answer they gave to the question of the Israelitish elders,
and this they gave to _Joshua_, not to _them_, as they saw that Joshua
was commander-in-chief of the host.
_WHO_ ARE _YE? AND FROM WHENCE COME YE?_] To these qu... [ Continue Reading ]
pretend that they had undertaken this journey on a religious account;
and seem to intimate that they had the highest respect for Jehovah,
the object of the Israelites' worship; this was _hypocrisy_.
_WE HAVE HEARD THE FAME OF HIM_] T... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:11. _WHEREFORE OUR ELDERS, C._] All this, and what
follows to the end of verse Joshua 9:13, was _false_, contrived merely
for the purpose of deceiving the Israelites, and this they did to save
their own lives as they expected all the inhabitants of Canaan to be
put to the sword.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:14. _THE MEN TOOK OF THEIR VICTUALS_] This was done in
all probability in the way of _friendship_; for, from time immemorial
to the present day, _eating together_, in the Asiatic countries, is
considered a token of unalterable friendship; and those who eat even
_salt_ together, feel t... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:15. _JOSHUA MADE PEACE WITH THEM_] Joshua agreed to
receive them into a friendly connection with the Israelites, and to
respect their lives and properties; and the elders of Israel bound
themselves to the observance of it, and confirmed it with an _oath_.
As the same words are used he... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:16. _AT THE END OF THREE DAYS_] _Gibeon_ is reputed to
be only about eight leagues distant from Gilgal, and on this account
the fraud might be easily discovered in the time mentioned above.... [ Continue Reading ]
Probably when the fraud was discovered, Joshua sent out a detachment
to examine their country, and to see what use could be made of it in
the prosecution of their war with the Canaanites. Some of the cities
mentioned here were aft... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:18. _ALL THE CONGREGATION MURMURED_] Merely because
they were deprived of the _spoils_ of the Gibeonites. They had now got
under the full influence of a predatory spirit; God saw their
proneness to this, and therefore, at particular times, totally
interdicted the spoils of conquered c... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:19. _WE HAVE SWORN UNTO THEM_] Although the Israelites
were _deceived_ in this business, and the covenant was made on a
certain supposition which was afterwards proved to have had no
foundation in truth, and consequently the whole engagement on the part
of the _deceived_ was hereby v... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:21. _HEWERS OF WOOD AND DRAWERS OF WATER_] Perhaps this
is a sort of proverbial expression, signifying the lowest state of
servitude, though it may also be understood literally. See below.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:23. _NOW THEREFORE YE ARE CURSED_] Does not this refer
to what was pronounced by Noah, Genesis 9:26, against Ham and his
posterity? Did not the curse of Ham imply _slavery_, and nothing else?
_Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be_; and does it not
sufficiently appear t... [ Continue Reading ]
Self-preservation, which is the most powerful law of nature, dictated
to them those measures which they adopted; and they plead this as the
_motive_ of their conduct.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:25. _WE_ ARE _IN THINE HAND_] Entirely in thy power.
_AS IT SEEMETH GOOD AND RIGHT UNTO THEE - DO._] Whatever _justice_ and
_mercy_ dictate to thee to do to us, that perform. They expect
_justice_, because they _deceived_ the Israelites; but they expect
_mercy_ also, because they wer... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Joshua 9:26. _AND SO DID HE UNTO THEM_] That is, he acted
according to _justice_ and _mercy_: he delivered them out of the hands
of the people, so that they slew them not - here was _mercy_; and he
made them hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation,
and to the altar of God - he... [ Continue Reading ]