Verse Jude 1:15. To execute judgment] This was originally spoken to the antediluvians; and the coming of the Lord to destroy that world was the thing spoken of in this prophecy or declaration. But as God had threatened this, it required no direct inspiration to foretell it. To execute judgment, c. This is a very strange verse as to its composition, and is loaded with various readings the MSS. and versions being at little agreement among themselves on its phraseology. αυτων, which we translate among them, is omitted by the best MSS. and versions, and is, in all probability, spurious. Many also omit ασεβειας after ργων, ungodly deeds. Many insert λογων, words or speeches, after σκληρων, hard; and this word our translators have supplied. And instead of αμαρτωλοι, sinners, the Sahidic has ανθρωποι, men. There are others of less note; but the frequent recurrence of ALL and UNGODLY makes the construction of the sentence very harsh.

Dr. Macknight supposes that Enoch's prophecy was common among the Jews; for the first words in Hebrew are Maranatha, and these were used by them in that form of excommunication or cursing which they pronounced against irreclaimable offenders. The doctor forgets himself here; the words Maranatha are not Hebrew, but Syriac. In Hebrew the form of execration begins with ארור אתה arur attah, "cursed art thou;" or מחרם אתה mochoram attah: but the Syriac [Syriac] maran atha, is literally, our Lord is coming; see on 1 Corinthians 16:22; but here, in the Syriac, the words are [Syriac] atha moria, "the Lord cometh." So it is doubtful whether this fancied analogy exists.

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