Verse Jude 1:8. Likewise also these filthy dreamers] He means to say that these false teachers and their followers were as unbelieving and disobedient as the Israelites in the wilderness, as rebellious against the authority of God as the fallen angels, and as impure and unholy as the Sodomites; and that consequently they must expect similar punishment.

Our translators, by rendering ενυπνιαζομενοι filthy dreamers, seem to have understood St. Jude to mean les pollutions nocturnes et voluntaires de ces hommes impurs, qui se livrent sans scrupule a toutes sortes des pensees; et salissant leur imagination pas la vue de toutes sortes d' objets, tombent ensuite dans les corsuptions honteuses et criminelles. See Calmet. In plain English, self-pollution, with all its train of curses and cursed effects on body, soul, and spirit. The idea of our translators seems to be confirmed by the words σαρκαμενμιαινουσι, they indeed pollute the flesh. See what is said at the conclusion of the thirty-eighth chapter of Genesis.

Despise dominion] κυριοτητα δε αθετουσι. They set all government at nought-they will come under no restraints; they despise all law, and wish to live as they list.

Speak evil of dignities.] δοξας δε βλασφημουσιν. They blaspheme or speak injuriously of supreme authority. (See 2 Peter 2:10.) They treat governors and government with contempt, and calumniate and misrepresent all Divine and civil institutions.

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