The solemn yearly expiation for the high priest, who must not

come at all times into the holy place, 1, 2.

He must take a bullock for a sin-offering, and a ram for a

burnt-offering, bathe himself, and be dressed in his sacerdotal

robes, 3, 4.

He shall take two goats, one of which is to be determined by

lot to be a sacrifice; the other to be a scapegoat, 5-10.

He shall offer a bullock for himself and for his family, 11-14.

And shall kill the goat as a sin-offering for the people, and

sprinkle its blood upon the mercy-seat, and hallow the altar of

burnt-offerings, 15-19.

The scapegoat shall be then brought, on the head of which he

shall lay his hands, and confess the iniquities of the children

of Israel; after which the goat shall be permitted to escape to

the wilderness, 20-22.

After this Aaron shall bathe himself, and make a burnt-offering

for himself and for the people, 23-28.

This is to be an everlasting statute, and the day on which the

atonement is to be made shall be a Sabbath, or day of rest,

through all their generations, 29-34.


Verse Leviticus 16:1. After the death of the two sons of Aaron] It appears from this verse that the natural place of this chapter is immediately after the tenth, where probably it originally stood; but the transposition, if it did take place, must be very ancient, as all the versions acknowledge this chapter in the place in which it now stands.

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