Adam Clarke Bible Commentary
Leviticus 19:1
Exhortations to holiness, and a repetition of various laws,
1, 2
Duty to parents, and observance of the Sabbath, 3.
Against idolatry, 4.
Concerning peace-offerings, 5-8.
The gleanings of the harvest and vintage to be left for the
poor, 9, 10.
Against stealing and lying, 11;
false swearing, 12;
defrauding the hireling, 13.
Laws in behalf of the deaf and the blind, 14.
Against respect of persons in judgment, 15;
tale-bearing, 16;
hatred and uncharitableness, 17;
revenge, 18;
unlawful mixtures in cattle, seed, and garments, 19.
Laws relative to the bondmaid that is betrothed, 20-22.
The fruit of the trees of the land not to be eaten for the
first three years, 23;
but this is lawful in the fourth and fifth years, 24, 25.
Against eating of blood, and using incantations, 26;
superstitious cutting of the hair, 27;
and cutting of the flesh in the times of mourning, 28;
prostitution, 29.
Sabbaths to be reverenced, 30.
Against consulting those who are wizards, and have familiar
spirits, 31.
Respect must be shown to the aged, 32.
The stranger shall not be oppressed, 33, 34.
They shall keep just measures, weights, and balances, 35, 36.
Conclusion, 37.