Of the uncleanness of the priests, by which they were prevented

from ministering in holy things, 1-5.

How they should be cleansed, 6, 7.

The priest must not eat of any animal that had died of itself,

or was torn by wild beasts, but must keep God's ordinances,

8, 9.

No stranger, sojourner, nor hired servant shall eat of the holy

things, 10.

A servant bought with money may eat of them, 11.

Who of the priest's family may not eat of them, 12, 13.

Of improper persons who partake of the holy things unknowingly,


Freewill-offerings, and sacrifices in general, must be without

blemish, 17-25.

The age at which different animals were to be offered to God,

26, 27.

No animal and its young shall be offered on the same day, 28.

How the sacrifice of thanks-giving was to be offered, 29, 30.

All God's testimonies to be observed, and the reason, 31-33.


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