Verse 32. Fear not, little flock] Or, very little flock, το μικρον ποιμνιον. This is what some term a double diminutive, and, literally translated, is, little little flock. Though this refers solely to the apostles and first believers, of whom it was literally true, yet we may say that the number of genuine believers has been, and is still, small, in comparison of heathens and false Christians.

It is your Father's good pleasure] ευδοκησεν, It hath pleased, c., though this tense joined with an infinitive has often the force of the present. Our Lord intimated, God has already given you that kingdom which consists in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, and has undertaken to protect and save you to the uttermost therefore, fear not; the smallness of your number cannot hurt you, for omnipotence itself has undertaken your cause.

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