_Christ preaches the necessity of repentance, from the_
_punishment of the Galileans massacred by Pilate_, 1-3.
_And by the death of those on whom the tower in Siloam fell_,
4, 5.
_The parable of the barren fig tree_, 6-29.
_Christ cures a woman who had been afflicted eighteen ye... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:4. _THE TOWER IN SILOAM_] This tower was probably built
over one of the porticoes near the pool, which is mentioned John 9:7.
See also Nehemiah 3:15.
_Debtors_, οφειλεται, a Jewish phrase for _sinners_. Persons
professing to be _under_ the law are _bound_ by the law to be obedient
to... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:5. _YE SHALL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH._] ωσαυτως,
ομοιως, _In a_ _like way, in the same manner_. This prediction
of our Lord was literally fulfilled. When the city was taken by the
Romans, multitudes of the priests, c., who were going on with their
sacrifices, were slain, and their blood mi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:6. _A CERTAIN_ man] Many meanings are given to this
parable, and divines may abound in them; the sense which our Lord
designed to convey by it appears to be the following: -
1. _A person_, τις, God Almighty.
2. _Had a fig tree_, the Jewish Church.
3. _Planted in his vineyard _- esta... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:7. _BEHOLD THESE THREE YEARS_] From this circumstance in
the parable, it may be reasonably concluded that Jesus had been, at
the time of saying this, exercising his ministry for three years past;
and, from what is said in Luke 13:8, of letting it alone this year
also, it may be conclud... [ Continue Reading ]
to this subject _three_ things may be considered: -
I. The woman's infirmity.
II. Her cure. And
III. The conduct of the ruler of the synagogue on the occasion.
I. The woman's infirmity.
1. What was its _origin_? SIN. Had this... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 13:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:21. _LIKE LEAVEN_] See this explained, Matthew 13:33.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:22. _JOURNEYING TOWARD JERUSALEM._] Luke represents all
that is said, from Luke 9:51, as having been done and spoken while
Christ was on his last journey to Jerusalem. Luke 9:51, Luke 9:51, and
Luke 12:58, Luke 12:58, and see the _Preface_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:23. _ARE THERE FEW THAT BE SAVED?_] A question either of
_impertinence_ or _curiosity_, the answer to which can profit no man.
The grand question is, _Can_ I _be saved_? Yes. _How? Strive_
_earnestly to enter in through the strait gate _-
αγωνιζεσθε, _agonize _- exert every power of bo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:24. _MANY - WILL SEEK_] They _seek_-wish and desire; but
they do not _strive_; therefore, because they will not _agonize _-
will not be in earnest, they shall not get in. See this subject more
particularly explained on Matthew 7:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 25. _AND HATH SHUT TO THE DOOR_] See the notes on Matthew 7:22;
Matthew 7:23, and Matthew 25:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 28. _ABRAHAM, AND ISAAC_, c.] Matthew 8:12, Matthew 8:12, where
the figures and allusions made use of here are particularly explained.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 29. _THEY SHALL COME_] That is, the _Gentiles_, in every part of
the world, shall receive the Gospel of the grace of God, when the
_Jews_ shall have rejected it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:30. _THERE ARE LAST WHICH SHALL BE FIRST_] Matthew
19:30.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:31. _DEPART HENCE_, c.] It is probable that the place
from which Christ was desired to depart was Galilee or Perea for
beyond this Herod had no jurisdiction. It can scarcely mean Jerusalem,
though it appears from Luke 23:7, that _Herod Antipas_ was _there_ at
the time of our Lord's cru... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:32. _TELL THAT FOX_] Herod was a very vicious prince,
and lived in public incest with his sister-in-law, Mark 6:17: if our
Lord meant him here, it is hard to say why the character of _fox_,
which implies _cunning, design_, and _artifice_, to hide evil
intentions, should be attributed t... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:33. _I MUST WALK_, c.] I must continue to work miracles
and teach for a short time yet, and then I shall die in Jerusalem:
therefore I cannot _depart_, according to the advice given me, (Luke
13:31,) nor can a hair of my head fall to the ground till my work be
all done.
_TO-DAY AND T... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:34. _O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM_] See notes on Matthew
23:37, where the metaphor of the hen is illustrated from the Greek
_Anthology_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Luke 13:35. _YOUR HOUSE_] Ὁ οικος, _the temple_-called
here _your_ _house_, not _my house _- I acknowledge it no longer; I
have abandoned it, and will dwell in it no more for ever. So he said,
2 Chronicles 36:17, when he delivered the temple into the hands of the
Chaldeans - _the_ _house of... [ Continue Reading ]