Verse 38. Coming in that instant] αυτη τη ωρα, at that very time-while Simeon held the blessed Redeemer in his arms, and was singing his departing and triumphal song.

Gave thanks likewise] She, as well as Simeon, returned God public thanks, for having sent this Saviour to Israel.

Spake of him] Of the nature and design of his mission; and the glory that should take place in the land.

To all them that looked for redemption] As Daniel's seventy weeks were known to be now completed, the more pious Jews were in constant expectation of the promised Messiah. They were expecting redemption, λυτρωσις; such a redemption as was to be brought about by an atonement, or expiatory victim, or ransom price. Luke 1:68.

In Jerusalem.] It is probable she went about from house to house, testifying the grace of God. In the margin of our common version, Israel is put instead of Jerusalem, which the translators thought was nearly as eligible as the word they received into the text. This marginal reading is supported by several MSS., all the Arabic and Persic versions, the Vulgate, and most copies of the Itala. Were this reading to be received, it would make a very essential alteration in the meaning of the text, as it would intimate that this excellent woman travelled over the land of Israel, proclaiming the advent of Christ. At all events, it appears that this widow was one of the first publishers of the Gospel of Christ, and it is likely that she travelled with it from house to house through the city of Jerusalem, where she knew they dwelt who were expecting the salvation of God.

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