Verse Luke 8:3. Herod's steward] Though the original word, επιτροπος, signifies sometimes the inspector or overseer of a province, and sometimes a tutor of children, yet here it seems to signify the overseer of Herod's domestic affairs: the steward of his household. Steward of the household was an office in the king's palace by s. 24, of Hen. VIII. The person is now entitled lord steward of the king's household, and the office is, I believe, more honourable and of more importance than when it was first created. Junius derives the word from the Islandic stivardur, which is compounded of stia, work, and vardur, a keeper, or overseer: hence our words, warder, warden, ward, guard, guardian, c. The Greek word in Hebrew letters is frequent in the rabbinical writings, אפיטדופום, and signifies among them the deputy ruler of a province. Luke 16:1. In the Islandic version, it is forsionarmanns.

Unto him] Instead of αυτω, to him, meaning Christ, many of the best MSS. and versions have αυτοις, to them, meaning both our Lord and the twelve apostles, see Luke 8:1. This is unquestionably the true meaning. Christ receives these assistances and ministrations, says pious Quesnel,-

1. To honour poverty by subjecting himself to it.

2. To humble himself in receiving from his creatures.

3. That he may teach the ministers of the Gospel to depend on the providence of their heavenly Father.

4. To make way for the gratitude of those he had healed. And,

5. That he might not be burthensome to the poor to whom he went to preach.

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