Early in the morning after the Sabbath, the three Marys come to

the sepulchre, bringing sweet spices to embalm the body, 1-4.

They see an angel who announces the resurrection of our Lord,


Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, who goes and tells the

disciples, 9-11.

He appears also to the two disciples who were going into the

country, who also tell it to the rest, 12, 13.

Afterwards he appears unto the eleven, and commissions them to

preach the Gospel to all mankind, 14-16.

And promises to endue them with power to work miracles, 17, 18.

He is received up into heaven, 19.

And they go forth to preach and work miracles, 20.


Verse Mark 16:1. And anoint him.] Rather, to embalm him. This is a proof that they had not properly understood what Christ had so frequently spoken, viz. that he would rise again the third day. And this inattention or unbelief of theirs is a proof of the truth of the resurrection.

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