Verse Mark 16:6. Jesus of Nazareth] The Jews had given this name to Christ by way of reproach, Matthew 2:23; but as it was under this name that he was crucified, John 19:19, the angel here, and the apostles after, have given him the same name, Acts 4:10, c. Names which the world, in derision, fixes all the followers of God, often become the general appellatives of religious bodies: thus Quakers, Puritans, Pietists, and Methodists, have in their respective times been the nicknames, given in derision by the world, to those who separated themselves from its corruptions. Our Lord, by continuing to bear the name of the Nazarene, teaches us not to be too nice or scrupulous in fixing our own appellation. No matter what the name may be, as long as it implies no particular evil, and serves sufficiently to mark us out. Let us be contented to bear it, and thus carry about with us the reproach of Christ always taking care to keep our garments unspotted from the world.

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