Verse 41. The men of Nineveh shell rise in judgment] The voice of God, threatening temporal judgments, caused a whole people to repent, who had neither Moses nor Christ, neither the law nor the prophets; and who perhaps never had but this one preacher among them. What judgment may not we expect, if we continue impenitent, after all that God has bestowed upon us?

A greater than Jonas is here.] πλειον, for τιπλειον, something more. The evidence offered by Jonah sufficed to convince and lead the Ninevites to repentance; but here was more evidence, and a greater person; and yet so obstinate are the Jews that all is ineffectual.

1. Christ, who preached to the Jews, was infinitely greater than Jonah, in his nature, person, and mission.

2. Jonah preached repentance in Nineveh only forty days, and Christ preached among the Jews for several years.

3. Jonah wrought no miracles to authorize his preaching; but Christ wrought miracles every day, in every place where he went, and of every kind. And

4. Notwithstanding all this, the people of Judea did not repent, though the people of Nineveh did.

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