_The disciples inquiring who should be greatest in Christ's_
_kingdom_, 1.
_He takes occasion to recommend humility, simplicity, and_
_disinterestedness_, 2-6.
_Warns them against offences_, 7.
_Recommends mortification and self-denial_. 8, 9.
_Charges them to avoid giving offe... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:2. _A LITTLE CHILD_] But this child could _walk_, for
he called _him to him_. _Nicephorus_ says, this was _Ignatius_, who
was afterwards bishop of _Antioch_, and suffered martyrdom under, and
by command of, the Roman Emperor _Trojan_, in the 107th year of our
Lord. But this good fat... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:3. _EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED_] Unless ye be saved from
those prejudices which are at present so baneful to your nation,
(seeking a temporal and not a spiritual kingdom,) unless ye be clothed
with the spirit of humility, ye cannot enter into the spirit, design,
and privileges of my spi... [ Continue Reading ]
great is the disparity between the kingdom of Christ and the kingdoms
of this world, that there is no way of rising to honours in the
former, but by humility of mind, and continual self-abasement.
_THE SAME IS GREATEST_] Thus our Lo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:5. _ONE SUCH LITTLE CHILD_] As our Lord in the
preceding verses considers a little child an emblem of a genuine
disciple, so by the term in this verse he means a disciple only.
"Whosoever will receive, _i.e._ show unto such a child-like,
unambitious disciple of mine, any act of kind... [ Continue Reading ]
But, on the contrary, whosoever shall cause one of the least of those
who believe in me to be stumbled-to go into the spirit of the world,
or give way to sin - such a one shall meet with the most exemplary
Let those... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:7. _WO!_] Or, _alas_! ουαι. It is the opinion of
some eminent critics, that this word is ever used by our Lord to
express _sympathy_ and _concern_.
_BECAUSE OF OFFENCES_] Scandals, stumbling-blocks, persecutions, c.
εϚιν ελθειν... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:8. _IF THY HAND_, c.] See the notes on Matthew 5:29.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:9. Matthew 18:8, Matthew 18:8.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:10. _ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES_] One of my simple,
loving, humble disciples.
_THEIR ANGELS - ALWAYS BEHOLD_] Our Lord here not only alludes to,
but, in my opinion, establishes the notion received by almost all
nations, viz. That every person has a _guardian angel_; and that these
ha... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:11. _FOR THE SON OF MAN_, c.] This is added as a
second reason, why no injury should be done to his followers. "The Son
of man has so loved them as to come into the world to lay down his
life for them."
_THAT WHICH WAS LOST._] απολωλος. In Revelation 9:11, Satan
is called απολλυων... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO_ _THE MOUNTAINS_] So our common translation reads the verse;
others, _Doth he not leave the ninety and nine_ UPON THE MOUNTAINS,
_and go_, c. This latter reading appears to me to be the best because,
in Luke 15:4, it is said... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:13. _HE REJOICETH MORE_] It is justly observed by
one, on this verse, that it is natural for a person to express unusual
joy at the _fortunate accomplishment_ of an _unexpected event_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:14. _IT IS NOT THE WILL OF YOUR FATHER_] If any soul
be finally lost, it is not because God's _will_ or _counsel_ was
against its salvation, or that a proper provision had not been made
for it; but that, though light came into the world, it preferred
darkness to light, because of it... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:15. _IF THY BROTHER_] Any who is a member of the same
religious society, _sin against thee_, 1. _Go and reprove him_
_alone_, - it may be in person; if that cannot be so well done, by thy
messenger, or in writing, (which in many cases is likely to be the
most effectual.) Observe, ou... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 16:2. _TAKE WITH THEE ONE OR TWO MORE_] Men whom he
esteems, who may then confirm and enforce what thou sayest; and
afterwards, if need require, bear witness of what was spoken. If even
this do not succeed, then, and not before,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 17:3. _TELL_ IT _UNTO THE CHURCH_] Lay the whole matter
before the congregation of Christian believers, in that place of which
he is a member, or before the _minister_ and _elders_, as the
_representatives_ of the Church or assembly. If all this avail not,
_LET HIM BE UNTO THEE... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:18. _WHATSOEVER YE SHALL BIND_, c.] Whatever
determinations ye make, in conformity to these directions for your
conduct to an offending brother, will be accounted just, and ratified
by the Lord. See on Matthew 16:19 and, to what is there said, the
following observations may be profi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:19. _AGAIN I SAY UNTO YOU_] The word αμην,
_verily_, is _added_ here, in ninety-eight MSS., (many of which are of
the greatest antiquity and importance,) seven editions, all the
Arabic, the Slavonic, and several of the _Itala_. The taking in or
leaving out such a word may appear to... [ Continue Reading ]
NAME_] There are many sayings among the Jews almost exactly similar to
this, such as, _Wherever even two persons are sitting in discourse_
_concerning the law, the Divine presence is among them_. See much more
in _Schoettgen_. And t... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:21. _TILL SEVEN TIMES?_] Though _seven_ was a number
of perfection among the Hebrews, and often meant much more than the
units in it imply, yet it is evident that Peter uses it here in its
plain literal sense, as our Lord's words sufficiently testify. It was
a maxim among the Jews n... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:22. _SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN._] There is something very
remarkable in these words, especially if collated with Genesis 4:24,
where the very same words are used-"If any man kill LAMECH, he shall
be avenged _seventy times seven_." The just God punishes sin in an
exemplary manner. _Sinful... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:23. _THEREFORE IS THE KINGDOM_] In respect to _sin,_
_cruelty_, and _oppression_, God will proceed in the kingdom of heaven
(the dispensation of the Gospel) as he did in former times; and every
person shall give an account of himself to God. Every sin is a _debt_
contracted with the... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:24. _TEN THOUSAND TALENTS_] μυριων
ταλαντων, a myriad of talents, the highest number known in
Greek arithmetical notation. An immense sum, which, if the _silver_
talent be designed, amounts to 4,500,000 sterling; but if the gold
talent be meant which is by far the most likely, then... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:25. _HE HAD NOT TO PAY_] That is _not being able to
pay_. As there could not be the smallest probability that a servant,
wholly _dependent_ on his master, who was now absolutely insolvent,
could ever pay a debt he had contracted of more than 67 millions! - so
is it impossible for a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:26. _FELL DOWN AND WORSHIPPED HIM_]
προσεκυνει αυτω, _crouched as a dog before him_, with
the greatest deference, submission, and anxiety.
_HAVE PATIENCE WITH ME_] μακροθυμησον επ' εμοι, _be
long-minded_ _towards me _- give me longer space.
The means which a sinner should use to b... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:27. _MOVED WITH COMPASSION_] Or with _tender pity_.
This is the _source_ of salvation to a lost world, the tender pity,
the eternal mercy of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:28. _A HUNDRED PENCE_] Rather _denarii_. The
_denarius_ was a Roman coin, worth about _seven-pence halfpenny_
English. The original word should be retained, as our word _penny_
does not convey the _seventh part_ of the meaning. A hundred denarii
would amount to about 3_l_. 2_s_. 6_d... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 29. _FELL DOWN AT HIS FEET_] This clause is wanting in several
ancient MSS., versions, and fathers. Several printed editions also
have omitted it; Griesbach has left it out of the text.
_PAY THEE ALL._] παντα, _all_, is omitted by a multitude of MSS.,
versions, and fathers.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:30. _AND HE WOULD NOT_, c.] To the _unmerciful_, God
will show _no mercy_ this is an eternal purpose of the Lord, which
never can be changed. God teaches us what to do to a _fellow-sinner_,
by what HE does to us. Our fellow-servant's debt to us, and ours to
God, are as one hundred d... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:31. _HIS FELLOW-SERVANTS SAW WHAT WAS DONE_] An act
of this kind is so dishonourable to all the followers of Christ, and
to the spirit of his Gospel, that through the respect they owe to
their Lord and Master, and through the concern they feel for the
prosperity of his cause, they a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:32. _HIS LORD, AFTER THAT HE HAD CALLED HIM_] Alas!
how shall he appear! _Confounded_. What shall he answer? He is
_speechless_!... [ Continue Reading ]
ουκ εδει και σε, _Did it not become thee also_? What a
cutting reproach! It became ME to show mercy, when thou didst
earnestly entreat me, because _I am_ MERCIFUL, It became thee also to
have _shown mercy_, because thou wert so deep... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Matthew 18:34. _DELIVERED HIM TO THE TORMENTORS_] Not only
continued captivity is here intended, but the tortures to be endured
in it. If a person was suspected of fraud, as there was reason for in
such a case as that mentioned here, he was put to very cruel tortures
among the Asiatics, to in... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO_ _YOU_] The goodness and indulgence of God towards us is the
pattern we should follow in our dealings with others. If we take man
for our exemplar we shall err, because our copy is a bad one; and our
lives are not likely to be... [ Continue Reading ]