Verse Matthew 18:20. For where two - are gathered together in thy name] There are many sayings among the Jews almost exactly similar to this, such as, Wherever even two persons are sitting in discourse concerning the law, the Divine presence is among them. See much more in Schoettgen. And the following, among the ancient Hindoos, is like unto it: "When Brahma, the Lord of creation, had formed mankind, and at the same time appointed his worship, he spoke and said, 'With this worship pray for increase, and let it be that on which ye shall depend for the accomplishment of all your wishes. With this remember God, that God may remember you. Remember one another, and ye shall obtain supreme happiness. God, being remembered in worship, will grant you the enjoyment of your wishes: he who enjoyeth what hath been given unto him by God, and offereth not a portion unto him, is even as a thief. Know that good works come from Brahma, whose nature is incorruptible; wherefore, the omnipresent Brahma is PRESENT IN THE WORSHIP." See the Bagvat Geeta, p. 45, 46.

In my name] Seems to refer particularly to a public profession of Christ and his Gospel.

There am I in the midst] None but God could say these words, to say them with truth, because God alone is every where present, and these words refer to his omnipresence. Wherever - suppose millions of assemblies were collected in the same moment, in different places of the creation, (which is a very possible case), this promise states that Jesus is in each of them. Can any, therefore, say these words, except that God who fills both heaven and earth? But Jesus says these words: ergo - Jesus is God. Let it be observed, that Jesus is not among them to spy out their sins; or to mark down the imperfections of their worship; but to enlighten, strengthen, comfort, and save them.

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