Verse Matthew 19:27. We have forsaken all] "A poor all," says one, "a parcel of rotten nets." No matter - they were their ALL, whether rotten or sound; besides, they were the all they got their bread by; and such an all as was quite sufficient for that purpose: and let it be observed, that that man forsakes much who reserves nothing to himself, and renounces all expectations from this world, taking God alone for his portion. See Matthew 4:20.

To forsake all, without following Christ, is the virtue of a philosopher. To follow Christ in profession, without forsaking all, is the state of the generality of Christians. But to follow Christ and forsake all, is the perfection of a Christian.

What shall we have therefore?] τι αρα εσται ημιν, What REWARD shall we get? This Kypke proves to be the meaning of the words from some of the best Greek writers.

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