Verse Matthew 9:37. The harvest] The souls who are ready to receive the truth are very numerous; but the labourers are few. There are multitudes of scribes, Pharisees, and priests, of reverend and right reverend men; but there are few that work. Jesus wishes for labourers, not gentlemen, who are either idle drones, or slaves to pleasure and sin, and nati consumere fruges. "Born to consume the produce of the soil."

It was customary with the Jews to call their rabbins and students reapers; and their work of instruction, the harvest. So in Idra Rabba, s. 2. "The days are few; the creditor is urgent; the crier calls out incessantly; and the reapers are few." And in Pirkey Aboth: "The day is short, the work great, the workmen idle, the reward abundant, and the master of the household is urgent." In all worldly concerns, if there be the prospect of much gain, most men are willing enough to labour; but if it be to save their own souls, or the souls of others, what indolence, backwardness, and carelessness! While their adversary, the devil, is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; and a careless soul, and especially a careless minister is his especial prey.

The place of the harvest is the whole earth: it signifies little where a man works, provided it be by the appointment, in the Spirit, and with the blessing of God.

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