_Miriam and Aaron raise a sedition against Moses, because of the_
_Ethiopian woman he had married_, 1,
_and through jealousy of his increasing power and authority_, 2.
_The character of Moses_, 3.
_Moses, Aaron, and Miriam are suddenly called to the tabernacle_, 4.
_The Lord appear... [ Continue Reading ]
is certain that both Aaron and Miriam had received a portion of the
prophetic spirit, (see Exodus 4:15, and Exodus 15:20), and therefore
they thought they might have a share in the _government_; for though
there was no kind of _gai... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Numbers 12:3. _NOW THE MAN MOSES_ WAS _VERY MEEK_] How could
Moses, who certainly was as _humble_ and _modest_ as he was meek,
write this encomium upon himself? I think the word is not rightly
understood; ענו _anav_, which we translate _meek_, comes from
ענה _anah_, to _act upon_, to _humble,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Numbers 12:4. _AND THE LORD SPAKE SUDDENLY_] The _sudden_
interference of God in this business shows at once the importance of
the case and his displeasure.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Numbers 12:6. _IF THERE BE A PROPHET_] We see here the
different ways in which God usually made himself known to the
prophets, viz., by _visions _- emblematic appearances, and by
_dreams_, in which the future was announced by _dark speeches_,
בחידת bechidoth, by enigmas or figurative represen... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Numbers 12:7. _MOSES - IS FAITHFUL_] נאמן _neeman_, a
_prefect_ or _superintendent_. So Samuel is termed, 1 Samuel 2:35; 1
Samuel 3:20; David is so called, 1 Samuel 18:27, _Neeman_, and
son-in-law of the king. Job 12:20, speaks of the _Neemanim_ as a name
of dignity. It seems also to have bee... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Numbers 12:10. _MIRIAM_ BECAME _LEPROUS_] It is likely Miriam
was _chief_ in this mutiny; and it is probable that it was on this
ground she is mentioned _first_, (see Numbers 12:1,) and punished
here, while Aaron is spared. Had he been smitten with the leprosy, his
sacred character must have... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Numbers 12:14. _IF HER FATHER HAD BUT SPIT IN HER FACE_] This
appears to have been done only in cases of great provocation on the
part of the child, and strong irritation on the side of the parent.
_Spitting in the face_ was a sign of the deepest contempt. See Job
30:10; Isaiah 50:6; Mark 14:... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Numbers 12:16. _THE WILDERNESS OF PARAN._] This could not be
the same Paran with that mentioned Deuteronomy 1:1, for that was on
the borders of the promised land, see the note on Deuteronomy 1:1;
they were long near the borders of Canaan, and might have speedily
entered into it, had it not be... [ Continue Reading ]