Verse 25. Epaphroditus, my brother, c.] Here is a very high character of this minister of Christ he was,

1. A brother-one of the Christian family; a thorough convert to God, without which he could not have been a preacher of the Gospel.

2. He was a companion in labour; he laboured, and laboured in union with the apostle in this great work.

3. He was a fellow soldier; the work was a work of difficulty and danger, they were obliged to maintain a continual warfare, fighting against the world, the devil, and the flesh.

4. He was their apostle-a man whom God had honoured with apostolical gifts, apostolical graces, and apostolical fruits; and,

5. He was an affectionate friend to the apostle; knew his soul in adversity, acknowledged him in prison, and contributed to his comfort and support.

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