The teacher promises his pupil the highest advantages, if he

will follow the dictates of wisdom, 1-9.

He shall be happy in its enjoyment, 10, 11;

shall be saved from wicked men, 12-15;

and from the snares of bad women, 16-19;

be a companion of the good and upright; and be in safety in the

land, when the wicked shall be rooted out of it, 20-22.


Verse Proverbs 2:1. My son] Here the tutor still continues to instruct his disciple.

Hide my commandments with thee] Treasure them up in thy heart, and then act from them through the medium of thy affections. He who has the rule of his duty only in his Bible and in his head, is not likely to be a steady, consistent character; his heart is not engaged, and his obedience, in any case, can be only forced, or done from a sense of duty: it is not the obedience of a loving, dutiful child, to an affectionate father. But he who has the word of God in his heart, works from his heart; his heart goes with him in all things, and he delights to do the will of his heavenly Father, because his law is in his heart. See Proverbs 3:3.

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