A good reputation. The rich and the poor. The idle. Good habits

formed in infancy. Injustice and its effects. The providence of

God. The lewd woman. The necessity of timely correction.

Exhortation to wisdom. Rob not the poor. Be not the companion

of the froward. Avoid suretyship. Be honest. The industrious

shall be favoured.


Verse Proverbs 22:1. A good name] שם shem, a name, put for reputation, credit, fame. Used nearly in the same way that we use it: "He has got a name;" "his name stands high;" for "He is a man of credit and reputation." טבא toba, καλον, [Arabic] hamood, and bonum, are added by the Chaldee, Septuagint, Arabic, and Vulgate, all signifying good or excellent.

Is rather to be chosen than great riches] Because character will support a man in many circumstances; and there are many rich men that have no name: but the word of the man of character will go farther than all their riches.

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