Sobriety in eating and drinking, especially at the tables of

the great. Have no fellowship with the covetous. Remove not the

ancient landmark. Children should receive due correction. Avoid

the company of wine-bibbers. Obedience to parents. Avoid lewd

connections. The effect of an unfeeling conscience.


Verse Proverbs 23:1. When thou sittest to eat with a ruler] When invited to the table of thy betters, eat moderately. Do not appear as if half starved at home. Eat not of delicacies to which thou art not accustomed; they are deceitful meat; they please, but they do not profit. They are pleasant to the sight, the taste, and the smell; but they are injurious to health. These are prudential cautions; and should be carefully observed by all who would avoid the conduct of a clown, and desire to pass for a well-bred man.

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