The timidity of the wicked. Quick succession in the government

of a country is a punishment to the land. Of the poor who

oppress the poor. The upright poor man is preferable to the

wicked rich man. The unprofitable conduct of the usurer. The

prosperity of the righteous a cause of rejoicing. He is

blessed who fears always. A wicked ruler a curse. The murderer

generally execrated. The faithful man. The corrupt judge. The

foolishness of trusting in one's own heart. The charitable man.

When the wicked are elevated, it is a public evil.


Verse Proverbs 28:1. The wicked flee] Every wicked man, however bold he may appear, is full of dreary apprehensions relative to both worlds. But the righteous has true courage, being conscious of his own innocence, and the approbation of his God. The unpitious fleeith. - Old MS. Bible. This word is often used for impious, wicked, ungodly; hence it appears that our word pity anciently meant piety or godliness.

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