_David's friends advise him to flee to the wilderness from_
_Saul's fury_, 1-3.
_He answers that, having put his trust in God, knowing that he_
_forsakes not those who confide in him, and that he will punish_
_the ungodly, he is perfectly satisfied that he shall be in_
_safety_, 4-7.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 11:2. _FOR, LO, THE WICKED BEND_ THEIR _BOW_] Perhaps
these are more of the words of his advisers: Every thing is ready for
thy destruction: the arrow that is to pierce thy heart is already set
on the bow-string; and the person who hopes to despatch thee is
concealed in ambush.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 11:3. _IF THE FOUNDATIONS BE DESTROYED_] If Saul, who is
the vicegerent of God, has cast aside his fear, and now regards
neither truth nor justice, a righteous man has no security for his
life. This is at present thy case; therefore flee! They have utterly
destroyed the foundations; (of... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 11:4. _THE LORD_ IS _IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE_] He is still to
be sought and found in the place where he has registered his name.
Though the priests be destroyed, the God in whose worship they were
employed still lives, and is to be found in his temple by his upright
worshippers. And he tries... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 11:5. _THE LORD TRIETH THE RIGHTEOUS_] He does not
abandon them; he tries them to show their faithfulness, and he
afflicts them for their good.
_HIS SOUL HATETH._] The _wicked_ man must ever be abhorred of the
Lord; and the _violent_ man-the destroyer and murderer-_his soul_
_hateth_;... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 11:6. _UPON THE WICKED HE SHALL RAIN_] This is a manifest
allusion to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
_SNARES_] Judgments shall fall upon them _suddenly_ and _unawares_.
_FIRE_] Such as shall come immediately from _God_, and be
_BRIMSTONE_] Melted by the fi... [ Continue Reading ]
that which resembles himself. _His countenance _- his face - is ever
open and unclouded to the upright. They always enjoy his salvation,
and know that he is pleased with them.
The preceding verse my old MS. translates and paraph... [ Continue Reading ]