Verse Psalms 116:11. I said in my haste] This is variously translated: I said in my flight, CHALDEE. In my excess, or ecstasy, VULGATE. In my ecstasy, εκστασει, SEPTUAGINT. [Arabic] tahayury, in my giddiness, ARABIC. In my fear or tremor, SYRIAC. [Anglo-Saxon], I quoth in outgoing mine, when I was beside myself, ANGLO-SAXON. In myn oute passyng, old Psalter. When passion got the better of my reason, when I looked not at God, but at my afflictions, and the impossibility of human relief.

All men are liars.] כל האדם כזב col haadam cozeb, "the whole of man is a lie." Falsity is diffused through his nature; deception proceeds from his tongue; his actions are often counterfeit. He is imposed on by others, and imposes in his turn; and on none is there any dependence till God converts their heart.

"O what a thing were man, if his attires

Should alter with his mind,

And, like a dolphin's skin,

His clothes combine with his desires!

Surely if each one saw another's heart,

There would be no commerce;

All would disperse,

And live apart."


To the same purpose I shall give the following Italian proverb: -

Con arte e con inganno,

Si vive mezzo l'anno.

Con inganno e con arte

Si vive l' altro parti.

"Men live half the year by deceit and by art;

By art and deceit men live the other part."

Who gives this bad character of mankind? MAN.

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