Adam Clarke Bible Commentary
Psalms 119:32
Verse Psalms 119:32. I will run] The particle כי, which we translate when, should be translated because: Because thou shalt enlarge, or dilate, my heart; make plain my path by cleansing me from my impurity, and taking the hinderances out of my way. I will then run without dread of stumbling, and every day make sensible progress.
The psalmist -
I. Sets down the state of an imperfect man.
II. Confesses it.
III. Asks grace and mercy.
IV. Professes what in consequence he would do.
I. 1. "My soul cleaveth unto the dust:" His affections cleaved to things below, instead of being set on things above.
2. "Quicken thou me:" Give me a life according to thy law. By cleaving to the earth, he was earthly; by cleaving to the flesh, he was carnal; but by living according to the spiritual law, he was to become one spirit with God.
II. He confesses his imperfections.
1. "I have declared my ways." I acknowledge all my wanderings, sins, follies, and unfaithfulness, I have hidden nothing from thee.
2. Thou didst hear me; forgavest me out of thy mere mercy.
3. Do the like now: "Teach me thy statutes." These two things should be sought together: mercy to pardon, and grace to assist and renew.
III. He proceeds in this prayer.
1. "Make me to understand:" Where the mind is darkened, the heart cannot be well ordered.
2. He that asks good things from God should ask them for a good end: "Make me to understand; so shall I talk," c.
3. He would show God's wondrous works: I shall talk of thy wondrous law, - thy wondrous Gospel, - thy wondrous mercy in saving sinners, - the wondrous means thou usest, c.
IV. He returns to his confession, and states what he purposes to do.
1. "My soul melts:" I am full of trouble and distress.
2. "Strengthen thou me:" Give me the grace thou hast promised.
3. "Remove from me the way of lying:" Give me power to avoid all sin.
4. "Grant me thy law graciously:" Print the matter of it in my heart, and abolish my corruption.
5. He chooses the truth.
6. He adheres to it.
7. He will continue in it.
8. Yea, and with greater diligence than ever. To make up for lost time, he will now run: and, while running, keep in God's way. Some run, but they run out of it.