_The heavens and their host proclaim the majesty of God_, 1-6;
_the excellence and perfection of the Divine law_, 7-10;
_its usefulness_, 11.
_The psalmist prays for pardon and preservation from sin_, 12, 13;
_and thy his Words and thoughts may be holy_, 14.
The... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:2. _DAY UNTO DAY UTTERETH SPEECH_] Each day is
represented as teaching another relative to some new excellence
discovered in these _manifold works_ of God. The _nights_ also, by the
same figure, are represented as giving information to each other of
the increase of knowledge already... [ Continue Reading ]
VOICE IS_ _NOT HEARD._] Leave out the expletives here, which pervert
the sense; and what remains is a tolerable translation of the
original: -
אין אמר ואין דברים בלי נשמע קולם
_Ein omer veein debarim, beli nishma kolam_.
"No speech... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:5. _WHICH_ IS _AS A BRIDEGROOM, C._] This is a
reference to the _rising of the sun_, as the following verse is to the
_setting_. He makes his appearance above the horizon with splendour
and majesty every creature seems to rejoice at his approach; and
during the whole of his course,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:7. _THE LAW OF THE LORD_] And here are _two_ books of
Divine Revelation:
1. The _visible_ HEAVENS, and the _works of creation_ in general.
2. The BIBLE, or Divinely inspired writings contained in the _Old_ and
_New Testaments_.
These may all be called _the LAW_ of _the Lord_; תורה... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:8. _THE STATUTES OF THE LORD_] פקודים
_pikkudim_, from פקד _pakad_, he visited, _cared, took notice of,
appointed to a charge_. The _appointments_, or _charge delivered_ by
God to man for his regard and observance.
ARE _RIGHT_] ישרים _yesharim_, from ישר _yashar_, to make
_straight,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:9. _THE FEAR OF THE LORD_] יראה _yirah_, from
ירא _yara,_ to _fear_, to _venerate_; often put for the whole of
Divine worship. The reverence we owe to the Supreme Being.
IS _CLEAN_] טהורה _tehorah_, from טהר _tahar_, to be _pure,_
_clean_; not differing much from ברה _barah_, (see a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:10. _MORE TO BE DESIRED_ ARE THEY _THAN GOLD_] This is
strictly true; but who believes it? By most men _gold_ is preferred
both to _God_ and his _judgments_; and they will barter every heavenly
portion for gold and silver!
_SWEETER ALSO THAN HONEY_] To those whose mental taste is re... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:11. _BY THEM IS THY SERVANT WARNED_] נזהר
_nizhar_, from זהר _zahar_, to be _clear, pellucid_. By these laws,
testimonies, c., thy servant is _fully instructed he sees all
clearly_; and he _discerns_ that in _keeping of them there is great
reward_: every man is wise, holy, and happy,... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:12. _WHO CAN UNDERSTAND_ HIS _ERRORS?_] It is not
possible, without much of the Divine light, to understand all our
_deviations_ from, not only the _letter_, but the _spirituality_, of
the Divine law. Frequent self-examination, and walking in the light,
are essentially necessary to t... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:13. _FROM PRESUMPTUOUS_ SINS] Sins committed not
through _frailty_ or _surprise_, but those which are the offspring of
_thought, purpose_, and _deliberation_. Sins against judgment, light,
and conscience. The words might be translated, _Preserve thy_ _servant
also from the proud_; fr... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Psalms 19:14. _LET THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH_] He has prayed against
practical sin, the sins of the _body_; now, against the _sins_ of the
_mouth_ and of the _heart_. Let my _mouth_ speak nothing but what is
_true, kind_, and _profitable_; and my _heart_ meditate nothing but
what is _holy, pure_,... [ Continue Reading ]