Verse Psalms 68:4. Extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH] "Extol him who sitteth on the throne of glory, in the ninth heaven; YAH is his name; and rejoice before him." - Targum.

בערבות baaraboth, which we render in the high heavens, is here of doubtful signification. As it comes from the root ערב arab, to mingle, (hence ereb the evening or twilight, because it appears to be formed of an equal mixture of light and darkness; the Septuagint translate it δυσμων, the west, or setting of the sun; so does the Vulgate and others;) probably it may mean the gloomy desert, through which God, in the chariot of his glory, led the Israelites. If this interpretation do not please, then let it be referred to the darkness in which God is said to dwell, through which the rays of his power and love, in the various dispensations of his power and mercy, shine forth for the comfort and instruction of mankind.

By his name Jah] יה Yah, probably a contraction of the word יהוה Yehovah; at least so the ancient Versions understood it. It is used but in a few places in the sacred writings. It might be translated The Self existent.

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