Verse Psalms 90:10. Threescore years and ten] See the note on the title of this Psalm. Psalms 90:1. This Psalm could not have been written by Moses, because the term of human life was much more extended when he flourished than eighty years at the most. Even in David's time many lived one hundred years, and the author of Ecclesiasticus, who lived after the captivity, fixed this term at one hundred years at the most (Eccles 18:9;) but this was merely a general average, for even in our country we have many who exceed a hundred years.

Yet is their strength labour and sorrow] This refers to the infirmities of old age, which, to those well advanced in life, produce labour and sorrow.

It is soon cut of] It - the body, is soon cut off.

And we fly away.] The immortal spirit wings its way into the eternal world.

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